Alex and leo.. or, in deutschland, Alex und der Löwe. Written, produced, and acted by André Schneider. At least he didn't also direct... that's frequently the kiss of death for films. Leo (schlutt) has recent come out, and pines for alex (schneider). But alex has just dumped his cheating partner, and doesn't want to settle down right away. And has a great support group of friends who hang on a regular basis. All good. When all this is verbalized, suddenly alex is standing out in the hallway, holding his clothes. That part didn't feel right... two guys, who had just been very intimate, but have a disagreement would have that bad a blowup that now alex is standing in the hall, completely undressed? Didn't really make sense. Aside from that, it's mostly good. We get the warm fuzzies when the group hangs out together, and even has a bikini party. Tobi is the outrageous loudmouth, similar to "jack", from will and grace, and steals every scene he's in. Another odd scene is when tobi is performing on stage, in a costume. Instead of concentrating on the performance, suddenly they use trick photography and special graphics effects to divide the screen like a kaleidoscope, with flashing lights and effects. That clearly the tv viewer can see, but the audience in the film cannot. Didn't really make sense. It felt like tobi's act was so weak, it needed spicing up, but rather than write a better scene, they relied on trick photograhy and special effects. Odd choice. Directed by ivesyuri garate. It's mostly good, but needed a few script changes to keep it realistic.