Josh Duhamel credited as playing...
Harvey Dent • Two-Face
- Harvey Dent: Harvey, Harvey, Harvey. Can't you see I'm a new man, Bats? I'm finally awake, and, unlike Harvey Dent, I'm not beholden to petty motives like revenge, or, worse, career advancement. A weight has been lifted. I don't have to decide who's innocent and who's guilty anymore. All I have to do is... execute.
- [flips his coin]
- Solomon Grundy: Solomon Grundy, born on a Monday.
- Harvey Dent: Christened on a Tuesday, married on a Wednesday, ill on Thursday, worse on Friday, died on Saturday, buried on Sunday. That was the end.
- Solomon Grundy: Born on a Monday.
- Harvey Dent: I really owe it all to you, Carmine. You've taught me that all men are guilty... and innocent. Which makes justice nothing more than the flip of a coin. The outcome, unpredictable. That is, of course... unless the system is corrupted, rigged in a man's favor.