Arthur Christmas (2011)
Miggie Donahoe: Pedro
Santa : [Santa, Margaret, and Steve have arrived in Trelew, Mexico on the S-1] Out with the old, in with the new.
Mrs. Santa : [Holding Santa"s hand] Well done, dear.
Santa : [Back on the Bridge of the S-1 as Steve has gone to give who he thinks is Gwen what is believed to be another version of the bike] Poor Arthur. He tried so hard. He"s flunked again.
Mrs. Santa : Of course he hasn"t, dear. We"re here. The little girl will get her present. I think he"s done rather splendidly.
Santa : [Exclaiming] My Margaret.
Steve : [Rings the doorbell, the door opens, and a young boy appears] Good morning, Gwen. Ho, ho, et cetera. Apologies for the minor delay. I"m sure that even a child can understand that in an operation as complex as Christmas, there"s always an insignificant margin of error, which is you. As a gesture, I"ve upgraded you to the...
[Reveals a big purple hi-tech bicycle]
Steve : ... Glamorfast Ultra X-3, which retails at $9.99 more than your requested gift. Bigger, ergo better. If you wouldn"t mind just signing a legal waver?
[attempts to hand Pedro the HOHO to have him sign the waiver]
Pedro : No le entiendo señor! Soy Pedro!
[I don"t understand sir. I am Pedro]
Steve : P-Pedro? A boy?
Pedro : ¿Quien es usted?
[Who are you?]
Steve : A Spanish boy? This is an error. No hablo Español.
[I don"t speak Spanish]
Steve : [Snatches the bike off Pedro] Now get off the bike.
Steve : [Pedro and Steve start fighting, Pedro starts weeping and wailing in a tantrum, Mr. and Mrs. Santa back up on the S-1"s bridge can see the commotion on the S-1"s Steve-cam] Will you get...? No, no, no. Please don"t cry. No cry-o. No, uh, "sob-idad". Uh...