Arthur Christmas (2011)
Laura Linney: North Pole Computer
Bryony : [Gwen has just received her present, Arthur is now Santa, and Bryony speaks over the public address system in Mission Control at the North Pole using a HOHO, which is visible on the big screen] Drop complete.
[the L.E.D. display above the mainframe in Mission Control switches to green and shows 0000000000]
Bryony : And we have a new Santa!
[Arthur peeps out the window]
North Pole Computer : [All of the elves in Mission Control begin cheering] Christmas accomplished.
Mrs. Santa : [Back up on the S-1 learning that Arthur is now Santa, having successfully delivered Gwen"s present] Oh, Arthur.
[Pulls levers in the S-1]
North Pole Computer : [the elves continue cheering over Arthur, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" plays over the music system in Mission Control] Commence decking halls.
Peter : You know, I"ve always liked Arthur. Do you think he likes espresso?
Steve : [Steve gets back onto the S-1 after having a fight with Spanish Pedro in Trelew, Mexico over the bicycle] Okay, so I"m not great with children. Does that make me a bad Santa?
Steve : [Faces Santa and keys in 23 Mimosa Avenue, Trelew into the S-1"s GPS to see it it would come up with a list] You"re hardly perfect. Let me guess. You put in the address, you saw a list of Trelews, and just clicked on the first one? You"re just like Arthur.
Santa : [Looks at Steve] Am I?
S-1 Computer : [the phone on the S-1"s Bridge rings] North Pole incoming.
Elf : [Steve, Santa, and Mrs. Santa look at the S-1"s videophone and see Arthur cycling across Trelew, England riding to Gwen"s on her Twinkle Bike] Sir, the soldiers have shot the sleigh. But, sir. It"s Arthur. He"s still going.
Santa : Arthur?
North Pole Computer : [Before the closing credits roll] And may one hundred percent of your Christmases be white!
Santa : [Trying to operate the S-1 himself, denting it and jolting it violently, while flashing red lights flash all over the S-1"s bridge] I, um... 23 Mimosa Avenue, Trelew.
Mrs. Santa : [Reading the manual] Reading up. There"s no harm in using a manual. Men.
Santa : [Agitated, pressing buttons, levers, and knobs all over the bridge causing the S-1 to rock and sway violently] Margaret, I order you to disembark. It"s not safe. Unh!
Mrs. Santa : [Trying to calm Santa] Piffle. I did a microlight flying course on the internet. It can"t be that different.
Santa : [Steve appears at the doors to the bridge] Oh! Steve.
Steve : [Santa accidentally leans on a lever and the S-1 jolts more violently] You"ve dented it! You take it out without asking?
Mrs. Santa : [Stabilizes the S-1] Malcolm, you told me he knew. You know how Steve feels about his S-1.
Santa : [Presses more buttons and levers causing it to rock and sway even more violently] It"s MY S-1. S for "Santa". I"m flying to this child.
Steve : Of course she"s all that matters. Not me, your son. Not the two billion things I did right tonight. No!
Santa : This is about the pool table, isn"t it? I told you, you should"ve written to me.
Steve : [shouting] I was eight. You"re my dad!
Mrs. Santa : [shouting] For goodness sake!
Mrs. Santa : [Slams her cup down on the controls] Arthur and Grandsanta are out there probably not wearing nearly enough layers and you two are bickering over a big red toy?
Santa : I"m... I"m not bickering. If Steven could just stand back.
[Activates the airbag]
Santa : Ooh!
S-1 Computer : [Airbag inflates] Air bag.
Santa : You drive, Steven.
Steve : Thank you.
[Puts on his gloves and fires up the S-1]
Steve : So since gift delivery to child 47785BXK is all that seems to matter, I"ll do it myself. Then we"ll pick up Arthur and Grandsanta from whatever ditch they"ve ended up in.
S-1 Computer : [Steve pulls the main lever on the S-1 to go at full throttle] Maximum thrust.