'AUDITION' shows an actors journey to the ultimate dream...stardom. Meet Sebastian Vega, who after a year away, has just returned to Hollywood to make his dreams come true. But first, he mus... Read all'AUDITION' shows an actors journey to the ultimate dream...stardom. Meet Sebastian Vega, who after a year away, has just returned to Hollywood to make his dreams come true. But first, he must endure all the trials and tribulations that an actor must go through in order to get to ... Read all'AUDITION' shows an actors journey to the ultimate dream...stardom. Meet Sebastian Vega, who after a year away, has just returned to Hollywood to make his dreams come true. But first, he must endure all the trials and tribulations that an actor must go through in order to get to the top. From living in a motel to performing in front of the Mann's Chinese Theatre. From... Read all