Joy Smithers credited as playing...
The Vuvalini
- Imperator Furiosa: I can't wait for them to see it.
- Keeper of the Seeds: See? See what?
- Imperator Furiosa: Home. The Green Place.
- The Vuvalini: But if you came from the west... you passed it.
- The Dag: The crows. That creepy place with all the crows.
- The Vuvalini: The soil...
- Keeper of the Seeds: We had to get out.
- The Vuvalini: We had no water and...
- Keeper of the Seeds: The water was filth.
- The Vuvalini: It was poisoned.
- The Vuvalini: It was sour.
- The Vuvalini: And then the crows came.
- [voices begin to overlap]
- The Vuvalini: We couldn't grow anything.
- Toast: Where are the others?
- The Vuvalini: What others?
- Toast: The Many Mothers.
- The Vuvalini: We're the only ones left.