First things first- I absolutely enjoyed this anime. Was it super fun to watch? Yes. But were some problems in Fairy Tail still present? Absolutely. So, to avoid jumping topics, I'll just list the good and the bad.
-Rebecca is a very competent female character, who takes the reigns of some action scenes (seriously those guns are pretty cool)
-Genuinely funny! At least, the dub was imo
-Almost no filler, every episode is relevant
-Fanservice doesn't happen as often as in Fairy Tail
-Hey, look, some of the girls' outfits cover most of their skin! Neat!
-When present, the fanservice is still atrocious *cough cough* homura
-B-Cuber stuff gets kinda annoying when Rebecca doesn't stand up for herself (more so the blue haired chick who always makes fun of her)
-Recycling characters, although this isn't really detrimental to the plot, just kind of weird (was funny to point them out while watching with my sister, though)
-Rebecca's action scenes usually get cut off or are insinuated by a comment on her body
-Random characters showing up and leaving for plot convenience
-I get that Shiki's been training for a while, but seriously give him a real opponent he's too op right now
So overall, I'm excited for season two. Really interested in the direction this show might take, since i haven't read the manga. I'm personally hoping the plot can take some time to slow down and the universe can be explored more, but whatever they choose to do i'm along for the ride.