This episode has Blair and her cronies look at the profile of Nelly and explore what her weakness is. They discover that she does not like an album that reminds her of when she split up with her boyfriend. Blair exploits this weakness and uses it to distract her from revising for her exams.
There is a great line where Serena says to Georgina about Dan: 'I like the way I feel when he looks at me.' That's a good barometer for gauging whether or not you're in love with someone. I know that when I was away from my soulmate I was longing and yearning to be with the one I loved. When we were together my joy was doubled. I've never forgotten how I felt when I was with my soulmate.
When Dan actually tells her that he loves her she says 'okay'. Dan tells her that the right response to someone telling you that they love you is not 'okay'. This demonstrates that Serena is also new to this relationship thing.