I haven't watched the first one, but I still managed to follow the complex plot through its many twists and turns, and the ingenious and original concept. In fact, having caught this direct-to-video sequel on television, I now feel enlightened. Seriously though... it can't just be me, can we all just agree that there are too many of these flicks? I'm not so much talking about the "underdog rises up in *insert sport here*, gets the recognition and attention he's always wanted only to learn an important lesson", I am referring to the fact that there are several based around this exact idea, the kid who wants to be a superior player finding a pair of magical shoes. Is there a deranged wizard running around somewhere, enchanting footwear wherever he goes? Honestly, what are the *odds* of this happening, and numerous times in different American cities, no less? And are they actually all about basketball? On the plus side, this has a nice amount of game footage, and it's not half bad. The jokes and gags are pretty standard, mostly silly material, including a little bit of gross-out comedy. Music is cool and usually reasonably good, too. Acting varies, typically around average. The message is fine, and its delivery is OK. Editing, cinematography and special effects have their moments. I recommend this to fans of these movies. If such exist. 5/10