It's been a very long time since I saw a movie that kept my attention and embraced me the way Lucid did on opening night in Winnipeg.
Even though I'm not one to keep up on popular culture, I had the good fortune to hear Garrety on the radio pleading with the local community to go out and support Lucid on opening weekend. The concept sounded intriguing and I'm all for encouraging local film industry.
While I'm not an informed critic and can't comment on whether or not it "looked Canadian," or had good lighting, I can tell you that people should see this movie. It's hard to provide a review without giving away any major elements but in my own opinion the movie isn't about what the promoters say it is ... it's much more.
Not since Memento and Fight Club has a movie held my attention and required so much attention to detail. When the movie finally unfolded I had to catch my breath. You know a good movie when it leaves you asking questions about yourself and the world around you.
Brianna Williams, who played Jenny, was like the spokes of a wheel, with Joel in the middle and his therapy group going around and around in circles. She kept everyone connected and her character was understated and well-presented. The guy who played Victor was very intriguing.
Sad, funny, clever and endearing. What good fortune to have been listening to the radio on a Thursday morning before opening night.
Go see the movie!