Having seen this film last night at the Sacramento Film Festival I have a few comments if you are considering this movie. This movie is billed as a "Romantic Comedy." I didn't think it was romantic and it sure as heck was not a comedy. If you like half baked cakes, Sanka coffee, Nutrasweet or Fat Free food this movie may be for you. If you like napping all day, using duct tape, driving a Jetta or jabbing a stick in your eye this movie may be for you. If you like eating wet cookies, using a push lawn mower or drinking Ensure this movie may be perfect for you. Estella warren tried really hard to be likable but she only shows one emotion and it is humdrum at best. There were several funny bits in the movie from unknown actors who should have had more screen time than the leads. I understand this was an independent movie but the one thing not to skimp on is the script. The first time effort of the Meyers duo was half baked. Don't quit your day job.
In closing don't waste your time. The movies story foundation is weak and does not support the 90 minutes of torture it puts you through.