The Sopranos (1999–2007)
Joe Pantoliano: Ralph Cifaretto
Anthony "Tony" Soprano Sr. : All right, obviously you told the cops you don"t know who did this.
Vito Spatafore : I"m upset, but please. I know how to keep my mouth shut.
Ralph Cifaretto : Unless of course there"s a salami sandwich around.
Ralphie Cifaretto : ...and I know I"m the guy who"s dating your mom,
Jackie Aprile Jr. : Dating?
Ralphie Cifaretto : Don"t get fuckin" filthy about it.
Ralphie Cifaretto : I hate to do it, Artie. But I think I"m gonna pass. Sorry.
Artie Bucco : Why not?
Ralphie Cifaretto : "Cause if you don"t pay me back, I ain"t gonna be able to hurt ya.