Corpse Bride (2005)
Helena Bonham Carter: Corpse Bride
Victor Van Dort : [alone in the forest, practicing his vows] With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. - Ah, Mrs. Everglot. You look ravishing this evening. What"s that, Mr. Everglot, call you "Dad"? If you insist, Sir. - With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine.
[He places the ring on what he thinks is a root. As he turns away, the root shoots out, grabs Victor"s arm and almost pulls him into the ground. Victor pulls himself free and finds a detatched skeletal hand gripping his arm. He watches as the ground gives way and an unearthly female figure, wearing a dishevelled wedding dress, rises from beneath the tree. She pulls back her veil]
The Corpse Bride : I do.
The Corpse Bride : I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me. But now - now I"ve stolen them from someone else. I love you, Victor, but you are not mine.
The Corpse Bride : I"ve spent so long in the darkness, I"d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.
[the Corpse Bride recognizes Lord Barkis]
The Corpse Bride : You!
Barkis Bittern : Emily?
[Lord Barkis and Emily are shocked to see each other]
The Corpse Bride : You!
Barkis Bittern : But, but I left you.
The Corpse Bride : For dead!
[last lines]
Victor Van Dort : Wait. I made a promise.
The Corpse Bride : You kept your promise. You set me free. Now I can do the same for you.
The Corpse Bride : Isn"t the view beautiful? It takes my breath away. Well, it would if I had any.
The Corpse Bride : Get out!
Barkis Bittern : Oh, I"m leaving.
[evil laugh]
Barkis Bittern : [picking up the wine goblet] But first! A toast, to Emily. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride! Tell me, my dear, can a heart still break once it"s stopped beating? Hm?
Maggot : [singing] What does that wispy little brat have that you don"t have double?
Black Widow Spider : [singing] She can"t hold a candle to the beauty of your smile!
The Corpse Bride : How about a pulse?
Maggot : Overrated by a mile!
Maggot , Black Widow Spider : [singing] Overvalued! Overblown! If he only knew the you that we know!
Black Widow Spider : [singing] And that silly little creature isn"t wearing his ring.
Maggot : [singing] And she doesn"t play piano,
Maggot , Black Widow Spider : [singing] Or dance, or sing. No she doesn"t compare!
The Corpse Bride : But she still breaths air...
Maggot , Black Widow Spider : Who cares?
Maggot : Unimportant!
Maggot , Black Widow Spider : [singing] Overrated! Overblown! If only he could see how special you can be; if he only knew the you that we know.
The Corpse Bride : [singing] If I touch a burning candle, I can feel no pain. If you cut me with a knife, it"s still the same. And I know her heart is beating, and I know that I am dead; yet the pain here that I feel, try and tell me it"s not real, and it seems that I still have a tear to shed.
Maggot : [singing] The sole redeeming feature from that little creature is that she"s alive.
Black Widow Spider : Overrated!
Maggot : Overblown!
Black Widow Spider : [singing] Everybody knows that"s just a temporary state, which is cured very quickly when we meet our fate.
Maggot : Who cares?
Black Widow Spider : Unimportant!
Maggot , Black Widow Spider : [singing] Overrated! Overblown! If only he could see how special you can be; if he only knew the you that we know.
The Corpse Bride : If I touch a burning candle, I can feel no pain. In the ice or in the sun, it"s all the same. Yet I feel my heart is aching; thou it doesn"t beat, it"s breaking; and the pain here that I feel, try and tell me it"s not real. I know that I am dead; yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed.
The Corpse Bride : We need to go up. Upstairs? To visit the land of the living.
Elder Gutknecht : Land of the living? Oh, my dear.
The Corpse Bride : Please, Elder Gutknecht.
Elder Gutknecht : Now, why go up there when people are dying to get down here?
Victor Van Dort : Sir, I beg you to help. It means so much to me... us.
Elder Gutknecht : I don"t know. It"s just not natural.
The Corpse Bride : Please, Elder Gutknecht. Surely there must be something you can do.
Elder Gutknecht : Let me see what I can do.
The Corpse Bride : [about Victor"s dead dog, Scraps] What a cutie.
Victor Van Dort : You should have seen him with fur.
The Corpse Bride : [after her hand escapes her arm and dances up Victor"s arm] Pardon my enthusiasm.
Victor Van Dort : [snapping her hand into place] I like your enthusiasm.
Victor Van Dort : What"s going on here? Where am I? Who are you?
The Corpse Bride : Well, that"s kind of a long story.
Bonejangles : What a story it is. A tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most foul.
The Corpse Bride : [meeting Victoria] Darling, I just wanted to meet... Darling, who"s this?
Victoria Everglot : Who is she?
The Corpse Bride : I"m his wife.
[She proudly holds out her hand with the ring on it]
Victoria Everglot : Victor?
Victor Van Dort : Victoria, wait. You don"t understand. She"s dead. Look!
The Corpse Bride : [angrily, grabbing Victor] Hopscotch!
Victor Van Dort : No, no! Victoria!
The Corpse Bride : [about Victor, showing the wedding ring on her fingerbones] He"s not my boyfriend, he"s my husband.
[Victor flees the Corpse Bride in panic, finally he makes it out of the forest and begins to relieve]
The Corpse Bride : [cornering him] You may kiss the bride.
The Corpse Bride : Maybe perhaps he does belong with her.
[sarcastic tone]
The Corpse Bride : Little Miss Living, with her rosy cheeks and beating heart.
Victor Van Dort : But I don"t even know your name.
Maggot : [from inside the Corpse Bride"s head] Well, that"s a great way to start a marriage.
The Corpse Bride : [grasps head and hisses] Sshh! Shut up!
[smiles at Victor]
The Corpse Bride : It"s Emily.
Victor : Look, I am terribly sorry about what"s happened to you and I would like to help. But I really need to get home.
The Corpse Bride : This is your home now.
Elder Gutknecht : Just remember, when you want to come back, say "Hopscotch."
The Corpse Bride : Hopscotch?
Elder Gutknecht : That"s it.
The Corpse Bride : I do.
Victor Van Dort : Emily.
The Corpse Bride : Oh, I almost forgot. I have something for you. It"s a wedding present.
Victor Van Dort : [opens the box and finds a bone] Haah. Thank you.
[Victor"s present turns out to be his dead dog Scraps, who is now a dog skeleton]
Victor Van Dort : Scraps? Scraps. It"s my dog, Scraps. Oh, Scraps. What a good boy?
The Corpse Bride : I knew you"d be happy to see him.
Victor Van Dort : Who"s my good boy. Sit! Sit, Scraps. Good boy, Scraps. Roll over, roll over.
The Corpse Bride : [to Victor] In the woods, you said your vows so perfectly
Victor Van Dort : [to himself] I did!
[starts hitting his head on the bar]
Victor Van Dort : Wake up wake up WAKE UP.
The Corpse Bride : It"s my eye, isn"t it?
[pops loose eye into skull]
Victor Van Dort : No! Your eye is uh, lovely.
The Corpse Bride : He just walked off without saying a word. Are all men like this?
Mrs. Plum : Well, I"m afraid none of them are very bright. They got something stuck in their heads, and you can"t do a thing with them.
The Corpse Bride : You lied to me! Just to get back to that other woman.
Victor Van Dort : Don"t you understand? You"re the other woman.
The Corpse Bride : No! You"re married to me. She"s the other woman.
Elder Gutknecht : She"s got a point.
The Corpse Bride : [sobbing] And I thought... I thought this was going so well.
[continues wailing, one of her eyes fall out]
Victor Van Dort : Look, I"m sorry, but this just can"t work.
The Corpse Bride : Darling... where are you going?
Victor Van Dort : *Home*!
The Corpse Bride : And I thought... I thought this was all going so well.
The Corpse Bride : ...I"m sure he has a perfectly good reason... for taking so long...
Maggot : Oh, I am sure he does. Why don"t you go ask him?
The Corpse Bride : All right, I will!
Maggot : After all, he couldn"t get far - with those cold feet...
Paul The Head Waiter : Coming through, coming through. My name is Paul, the head waiter. I will be creating your wedding feast.
Maggot : [popping out the Corpse Bride"s eye] Wedding feast, I"m salivating.
The Corpse Bride : [pushing the maggot back into her eye] Maggots.
Victor Van Dort : In fact, since we"re, you know... married, you should definitely meet her. And my father too. We should go and see them right now.
The Corpse Bride : What a fantastic idea! Where are they buried?
Victor Van Dort : Listen, under different circumstances, well, who knows? But we"re just too different. I mean, you"re dead.
The Corpse Bride : You should"ve thought about that before you asked me to marry you.
The Corpse Bride : [to Maggot] Go chew on someone else"s ear a while.
The Corpse Bride : Scraps... Elder Gutknecht... Are you there? Hello? Is anyone home? Hello? There you are!
Elder Gutknecht : Oh, my dear. There you are.
The Corpse Bride : I"ve brought my husband, Victor.
Elder Gutknecht : What"s that? Husband?
Victor Van Dort : Pleasure to meet you, sir.
Elder Gutknecht : Where did I put that book? I left it here somewhere. There"s the one. I have it. A Ukrainian haunting spell. Just the thing for these quick trips.
The Corpse Bride : So glad you thought of this.
Victor Van Dort : Me too.
Elder Gutknecht : Now, then... Where were we?
The Corpse Bride : The Ukrainian haunting spell
Elder Gutknecht : Ahh... Here we have it. Ready?