The TV series, "La Femme Nikita" is a spin-off of the fine early-90s French film, "Nikita". The first episode, although it deviates in many points, generally parallels the entire movie through the point where Nikita starts to perform missions.
However it does not try to look like the original, instead it has spun its own look that is every bit as captivating as the film, for a TV series. Peta Wilson who stars a Nikita is so perfect for the role she has created that it is impossible to imagine anyone else playing it now. She is all-in-one beautiful, sensitive, tough, loyal, in a superb acting job. I suspect the real Peta Wilson is not too far away from this character.
I find the series so captivating because of its mix of good and bad. "The Section" exists to foster good in the world, but any means justifies the end, and a lot of people, both innocent and crooked, get in the way and get "eliminated". However, Nikita and Michael both have consciences and in every episode there are ambiguous situations that their characters must deal with. You can't watch it and not ask what you would do in a similar situation. The dark tone of the show, the clandestine operations, the high-tech tracking and communications, the action - it all blends to pull you in and keep you in its grip, until the episode is over. Today, 01/01/01, USA network is running a "Nikita" marathon - 12 straight hours of the best episodes. Very compelling watching.
DEC2004 update: I am watching the DVDs for season one, very nice set.