The Little Rascals (1994)
Jordan Warkol: Froggy
Mr. Welling : [Stymie and Spanky go into a bank trying to get a loan disguised as two Amish men] What is your account...
[looks up and pauses]
Mr. Welling : number?
George "Spanky" McFarland : Uh, seven.
Mr. Welling : [uncertain] Seven?... seven?
Billy "Froggy" Laughlin : [is under Spanky to hold him up] Try eight.
George "Spanky" McFarland : Eight?
Mr. Welling : [still uncertain, the turns stern] Heard enough.
Mr. Welling : [pulls their fake beards and lets them go hitting Stymie and Spanky in their faces]
Mr. Welling : If you were *my* kids, I"d punish you.
Stymie : If we were *your* kids, we"d punish ourselves!
Mr. Welling : [desperate for them to leave] Leave the premises posthaste!
George "Spanky" McFarland : You can"t treat people like this, Mister!
Mr. Welling : You"re not people, you"re kids.
[as Spanky and Stymie leave, two actual Amish men are walking in]
Stymie : [to the two Amish men] Good luck!
Darla : This tastes like somebody poured it through an old boot!
Billy "Froggy" Laughlin : Actually, it"s a sneaker!
George "Spanky" McFarland : The clubhouse is fried crispy.
Billy "Froggy" Laughlin : Our lives are over.
George "Spanky" McFarland : And it"s all your fault!
[Alfalfa stares off toward the now-burned club house]
George "Spanky" McFarland : That"s right. Sure is.