Grace Under Fire (1993–1998)
Brett Butler: Grace Kelly
Wade Swoboda : I love you like a Sister.
Grace Kelly : Oh, Wade. I"m Southern. Please don"t tell me you love me like a sister!
[Sitting at Grace"s kitchen table, discussing Jimmy"s first month living in the garage]
Grace Kelly : He"s two days late with the rent.
Jean Kelly : What?
Grace Kelly : I told him "$550, in cash, on the 1st of every month, under the ta... ble"
[hesitating - reaches underneath table]
Grace Kelly : .
Jean Kelly : It"s times like these that make it hard to defend him.
Grace Kelly : Next month I"m gonna tell him "On the house", to see if he puts the money on the roof.
Grace Kelly : We don"t worship Satan on Halloween. We do that on Mother"s Day.
[Grace has walked in and discovered that ex-husband Jimmy is talking to black neighbor, Thad]
Grace Kelly : Jimmy! What did you say?
Thad Alford : Well, I can honestly say I"ve met your whole Klan.
Grace Kelly : Ex-husbands are like Crosby, Stills & Nash. They keep coming back - older and fatter.
[Grace has taken Jean to see a doctor, who happens to be a black man]
Jean Kelly : He"s Afro-American.
Grace Kelly : Jean, African-American. "Afro-American" is like spaghetti-o"s or something.
[Grace and Jimmy are talking about their past relationship]
Jimmy Kelly : Grace, I am truly sorry for what I did to you. Hell, if I was the man I was today, I beat the Hell out of the guy I was then.
Grace Kelly : You would?
Jimmy Kelly : Yep. You know, I wonder how that fight would turn out? I got more meat on me now, but I was one quick son of a gun back then.
[Russell is complaining as Grace has bought "Alternative Medicine"]
Russell Norton : Grace, all this phoney-baloney stuff is killing me.
Grace Kelly : Russell, you shouldn"t be so homeo-phobic