Mary Poppins (1964)
J. Pat O"Malley: Pearly Drummer, Master of Hounds, Huntsman, Hound, Horse, Penguin, Reporter #2, Photographer
Mary Poppins : [singing] So when the cat has got your tongue, there"s no need for dismay! Just summon up this word, and then you"ve got a lot to say! But better use it carefully or it could change your life...
Pearly Drummer : For example...
Mary Poppins : Yes?
Pearly Drummer : One night I said it to me girl, and now me girl"s me wife.
[Wife gets angry and hits him with tambourine]
Pearly Drummer : Ow! And a lovely thing she is, too.
[Wife smiles]
Bert : It"s true that Mavis and Sybil have ways that are winning, and Prudence and Gwendolyn set your heart spinning! Phoebe"s delightful, Maude is disarming...
Penguin 3 : Janice?
Penguin 1 : Felicia?
Penguin : Lydia?
Bert : Charming! Cynthia"s dashing, Vivian"s sweet! Stephanie"s smashing, Priscilla"s a treat.
Penguin 2 : Veronica.
Penguin : Millicent.
Penguin Waiter : Agnes?
Penguin 3 : and Jane.
Bert : Convivial company, time and again. Dorcas and Phyllis and Glynis are sorts I will agree are three jolly good sports, but cream of the crop, tip of the top...
Bert , Penguin 1 , Penguin 2 , Penguin , Penguin Waiter , Penguin , Penguin 3 : It"s Mary Poppins, and there we stop!
Bert : Waiter! Waiter!
[Penguin waiters came out carrying plates, napkins, trays, menus, and a vase of flowers, and set the table]
Mary Poppins : Now then, what"d be nice?
Mary Poppins : [singing] We"ll start with raspberry ice / and then some cakes and tea
Penguin 1 : Order what you will
Penguin 3 : There"ll be no bill
Penguin 1 , Penguin 3 , Penguin 2 , Penguin Waiter , Penguin : It"s complimentary
Mary Poppins : You"re very kind.
Penguin 1 : Anything for you, Mary Poppins.
Penguin 2 : You"re our favorite person.
Reporter 5 : Uh, how does it feel, Mary Poppins, winning the race?
Mary Poppins : Oh, well I...
Reporter 2 : Gaining fame and fortune.
Mary Poppins : Uh, yes.
Reporter 3 : Having your picture taken for the newspaper.
Mary Poppins : Uh, oh, actually, I"m delighted.
Reporter 4 : Besides having your extreme good looks, if I may say so.
Mary Poppins : Oh, well, I wouldn"t go...
Reporter 3 : There probably aren"t words to describe your emotions.
Mary Poppins : Now, now, now, now, gentlemen, please. On the contrary, there"s a very good word. Am I right, Bert?
Bert : Tell "em what it is.
Mary Poppins : Right! It"s...
Mary Poppins : [singing] Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious. If you say it loud enough you"ll always sound precocious. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!