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Road Kill (1999)

Road Kill (1999)

  -   Action | Comedy | Drama | Crime

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.7/10 X  
Film student, Alex and his roommate, art student, Lars, meet a young woman, named Blue, who"s recently become a tenant in their building, with a niche profession; she"s a hired assasin. Alex musters the courage to ask her to let him film a documentary on her most recent contract. After Blue agrees, she tells of a hit she has, coming up in Miami, to which she"ll drive to and back from. As Alex" interviews continue, she talks of her troubled past; as a child , she lived with a foster father who sexually abused her, unitl she ran away. Alex becomes increasingly blinded by his documentary and subject; and risks everything and everyone, by convincing Blue to make a stop in New Orleans and find the man who had such a traumatic, destructive impact on her psyche and self; her former foster parent/rapist. Will the pair be able to drive back home to LA in one piece, or will they become Road Kill themselves...
Matthew Leutwyler
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