Essential watching
29 September 2020
As far as I (the public) know, a factual, fabulously acted and directed account of what went on in the months before Trump's victory. Jeff Daniels appeared on MSNBC to talk about the show, it's what led me to watch it. To an informed person, the facts are mostly clear. I guess Comey got Trump elected, but not because he wanted to but to save the FBI. Jeff Daniel greatly delivers the inner conflict within James Comey, very believable. Knowing what I know today, the answer to the question, what would I have done, would be to not release the second letter to congress before the election and deal with the fallout. The fallout of releasing it was the worst catastrophe to hit the US in modern History. Surely, Comey must have know about the Trump Russia Connection, and Trump's corrupt character. So I can't help but damning Comey for his decision, but I'm not in his shoes. The one star ratings are seething with hatred, foul language and conspiracy. These people, 40% of American voters, are delusional paranoids without a single solid argument, running down conspiracy alley, unmoored from reality. Some of them should be placed under legal guardianship and have their voting rights removed, harsh, but isn't that what we do with the certifiably insane? They dismiss accepted facts, the show, the acting, the entertainment, because they feel personally attacked by the truth portrayed. Eventually, what the series reveals, Trump is not the root of the problem, he is the fungus that grows on rotten wood. The US constitution is a doormat now, law and order as well as checks and balances are suspended and society is either complacent and ignorant, or divided with hatred to the point of wanting to murder each other. The healing will take decades. Make sure you start in November, VOTE.
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