Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
10/10 for Season 1, 4/10 for Season 2. What happened?
29 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 is one of my favorite SciFi-Shows of all time!

The story is intelligent, full of twists, witty, brutal where it's appropriate and overall highly enjoyable. It explores the effect of the stack technology on society and personal life from so many different angles: Many consciousnesses in one body, one consciousness in many different bodies, one consciousness in many cloned bodies, copying consciousnesses... On top of that we get a "Sherlock Homes" detective case, a shakespearean family drama and tackle the question what it can mean if humans live forever and become like greek gods.

The production quality is awesome, the characters are believable and well thought out, the dialogs fit the characters, soundtrack is great, camerawork also, so is the editing. Nothing feels cheap about it. And then Season 2 comes around...

And is none of that. Characters are flat, the story is predictable and boring. Scenes are often so dark that you don't see anything. Camerawork is sloppy, editing feels rushed. Even the soundtrack is not that good.

What a disappointment!
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