Strange Angel (2018–2019)
Decent enough but do you want a second season?
14 October 2018
This was a pretty decent season 1. There's an A-story and a B-story to follow. The A-story is about how a visionary (Jack Parsons) breaks the rules and conventions of the time - America, 1938 - to advance the science of rocketry - remember, it was all propeller aircraft at the time. So this is another study in perseverance and overcoming everyone throwing obstacles in your way. The B-story is where you find the soft "R" side of this series, the cult of the occult. Familiar with Alistair Crowley? The season finale only mildly set the stage for a season 2 and there's supposed to be five of 'em. Was season 1 good enough to interest me in a second one? I don't think so. There wasn't enough grab, enough of a hook. And most drama series dial it back in their second season, so they tend to be boring while they build back stories and other superfluous plotting we don't care about.
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