The Punisher (2017–2019)
Made Me Look Away But Had To Look Back
20 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of Jon Bernthal's ever since Walking Dead. Hup e is a great actor and commanded my attention throughout the 13 episodes of this very, very brutal gore-fest. I found myself having to turn away over and over throughout, however, the story, the acting, the cinematography, direction and choreography are of such excellence that I had to look back and watch enthralled as the production progressed as it was completely worthwhile. I was expecting it to end up feeling like it had led us along only to dump us into a deep, dark hole, however, it didn't which was quite different than most of these pseudo-superhero films lately. I now cannot wait for the next series. Do any of these Netflix productions ever win an award? We really need to come up with some kind of awards for Amazon, Netflix and the other streaming production companies. They are by far better than what is getting released to the theaters. If awards were to be given for acting I would nominated Bernthal for Actor and Barnes for Supporting Actor. Usually I am crazy about Ben Barnes, however, I wanted him to totally die in this, which is a rave. I totally loathed him.
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