Medici (2016–2019)
Felt like an SNL skit
15 December 2016
Costumes and scenery were enjoyable but the music was so overdone I kept waiting for a sudden pause and a fart sound effect. This takes itself too seriously. I started to picture ways to turn each scene into an SNL skit, which isn't good. Also, Dustin Hoffman is Dustin Hoffman in every role he plays. That's cool, but perhaps not for a Medici? And can we just talk about how they all have different accents. What up with that? I don't know if it's just my TV but the music was so loud it was ridiculous and then the characters spoke so low they were practically whispering and I was all, "What'd that guy just say?" but then the music was like "DUN DUN DUN SOMETHING REALLY IMPORTANT IS HAPPENING" and I was like I GOT IT! This is serious! Also, these people look awfully well groomed for the time period. I'm not saying they should be missing teeth or have steam coming off them but just a bit more realism? Is anyone even reading this? I could totally be eating a sandwich right now.
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