The sharks sucked in this movie...
15 August 2011
I LOVE shark movies! Ever since I saw Jaws as a child I vowed to see every single shark movie ever made. When I saw this movie on NetFlix I was super happy, got myself a nice glass of wine, dimmed the lights and settled in for what I thought would be a shark fest of fun.

The movie starts off like most teenybopper type movies. A group of BFF's party it up and have a good old silly time together. They board their annoying arrogant friend's super yacht and have fun dancing, drinking and doing what young people do. They decide to go swimming in the ocean but being foolish and young they don't think to put the ladder down and opppps! they end up in quite the predicament.

The rest of the movie is spent listening to them whine and complain in the most annoying way. For the most part they end up doing stupid things that seem unrealistic but I can only assume this was filler since there is not much to show when you throw some people into the ocean with absolutely no other storyline other then that.

Some of the camera angles were quite scary when you are expecting a shark to come up and get his feast on. Scary underwater sounds, the darkness of the water, feet dangling treading water just taunting those hungry sharks. It would have made for a creepy suspenseful film except wait… where are the sharks?! I can't for the life of me figure out where the sharks went? Was this not a sequel? I cant imagine Harry Potter without Harry, Nightmare on Elmstreet without Freddy, what about Spiderman without Peter Parker! The only thing I can imagine was they were looking to make some quick easy money so they put a title on it that would attract.

I can forgive this if it was even remotely entertaining. As I stated above, there really isn't much you can do in 1.5 hours with a few folks dangling aimlessly in a huge ocean with nothing to do but be annoying.

Overall I wasn't that entertained. I've seen worse but I wouldn't recommend this movie to my friends. I'm still wondering where those sharks went though…. - Discover a new world of horror films, designed just for you.
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