This show has just come on in Australia and i gotta say it's fantastic. I really love it when basically unknown actors really get their chance to shine and pull it off really really well. The writing is excellent and the actors don't disappoint the humor. Their mannerisms,facial expressions even the tones of their voices alone make you laugh.
I love how neurotic Nate is and his scenes with the guy in the wheelchair are hilarious. The "clown in the closet" who's built into the contract of the lease is a brilliant aspect of the show. I mean why not have a clown in your closet? It's funny and it works and no other show has it. It's shows like these that are worth spending the money on. And it's reality shows,with hideous situations and bias editing that need to go.
I love how neurotic Nate is and his scenes with the guy in the wheelchair are hilarious. The "clown in the closet" who's built into the contract of the lease is a brilliant aspect of the show. I mean why not have a clown in your closet? It's funny and it works and no other show has it. It's shows like these that are worth spending the money on. And it's reality shows,with hideous situations and bias editing that need to go.