Chris Hixon
- Sound Department
- Composer
Chris Hixon grew up in quaint, cow-infested town called Petaluma. A
misfit from birth, he set his house on fire before be even learned to
walk. At the age of 14 he and childhood friend, Derek Sajbel, began
producing a cable access show. Their crude and confusing early
narratives quickly grew in sophistication as they learned tricks of the
trade, and the joys of digital video. Chris grew quite musically
inclined as well, in spite of dismal failures as a piano student early
in life. He composed his first original film score at age 19. His solo
rock/dork band, The Baboon Torture Divison, became an outlet for his
cinematic inspirations when he began producing his own music videos.
During his film school years, he dissociated himself from the steady
stream of pretentious student film garbage by spending much of his
college career in the pro-tools lab. There he learned professional
audio engineering, and the subtle craft of audio mixing. After
graduating, he began working as a boom operator, and began performing
more steadily with his band. He is now a respected as a prolific artist
dedicated to blowing people's minds with total over-the-top intensity.
From pornographic puppet shows, to absurd video games, to booty-shaking
music, Chris Hixon is one of the hottest up-and-coming multi-media
artists in California.