Marcel Delgado(1901-1976)
- Visual Effects
- Special Effects
- Additional Crew
Marcel Delgado was born in 1901 in Mexico. After moving to California
he took an interest in Art and ultimately met his future friend and
mentor Willis O' Brien. His first work was on 'The Lost World', vastly
improving the techniques formerly used to make models appear as
life-like creatures. Football bladders were used to mimic breathing and
chocolate served as blood. The models of the film were were exhibited
in Los Angeles in the Museum of Arts and Sciences for many years until
time caught up with them and rubber parts started to disintegrate. For
a period they were accidentally sealed between walls, but were
recovered later. During the production of The Lost World Delgado was
treated with respect, but when a follow-up 'Atlantis' was stopped he
was demoted to a regular laboring job and often shunned because of his
Mexican nationality. After a switch to RKO he became a unknown
genius with his work on 'King Kong', where most of the - relative -
intricate mechanisms were his work. A number of unrealized projects
followed until the relative sixes of 'Mighty Joe Young' where the
technical standards of the various models really reached a peak.
Subsequent work on later films was mostly uncredited. Delagado died in
1976 (failure to recover from an accident the same year).