The Get Lost Losers is half way between Spinal Tap and the Evansville music scene. Parallels the great Bandstand of Garvin Park and all the artist that have graced it. One of the largest mockumentary to date with catchy song lyrics to singalong with your trashy family. I have a feeling you will see this band rise in stardom and even try to compete with the bucket guy himself. But through and through it's a funny movie if you want to look into the craft and mindsets of people in the industry of Musical Liberal Arts. Some of the artist are parallel to local great Evansville artist such as Corduroy Orbinson and display mannerisms of our favorite Trailer Park Boys hero. The sted fest roadie and 10 year old manager provides comic relief with relatable dry humor that you can visualize at all of your local shows. At least they got paid in hot wings instead of beef jerky and vanilla Oreos. I recommend this movie to the other lost losers in our community and hope to see a reunion show from Addition By Subtraction At Parksfest 2023 as well as Get Lost Losers headlining the festival. Between the best pots and pans sounding music and wrestling matches from the band members, Evansville will not have to put their phones in bags for this band to get the undivided attention they deserve. Pay attention folks, you may even see a titty slip.