I remember back in the early 80's when home video was an exciting new concept, seeing a brochure from a local video rental store which featured a bunch of alluring looking movies, in amongst titles like Pia Zadora's Butterfly (1982) (yes, it is amazing what you can remember) was an interesting film called Handgun. The brief synopsis made it sound like an adult and challenging feature, i.e. something that I as a kid wanted to see! So it was strange for me to realise when I saw it for the first time just recently on a cable channel that it was in fact a very obscure movie. It seems to have not gotten too far beyond its home video release back in the 80's before more or less vanishing from sight. Well this seems like a criminal situation, as unlike a lot of movies I have anticipated seeing for many years, this one turned out to be an excellent and intelligent dramatic thriller. It follows a young woman who is a free-thinking teacher who begins a relationship with a charming gun-lover; on their second date he rapes her at gun point. She decides to turn the tables on him by learning to also become a crack shot with a handgun and with this new found skill she plans her revenge.
This definitely qualifies as one of the more intelligent rape-revenge thrillers out there. Part of its message is a criticism of American gun culture which seems more and more pertinent as each year goes by and another mass shooting happens in the name of gun ownership. Karen Young is excellent in the lead role and travels a wide arc of emotion in this one. She is very easy to get behind - let's be honest if you are not on her side in this movie, chances are you are a sociopath! Anyway, I am very pleased that this one is now doing the rounds on cable here in the UK as it certainly deserves to be re-discovered as it should never have become forgotten in the first place. A first rate thriller in my personal opinion.