Terms of Use

Website and Intellectual Property

The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) appreciates your help in raising awareness about missing and exploited children. ICMEC’s protection of its intellectual property is essential to successfully accomplishing its mission. The following Terms of Use govern ICMEC’s intellectual property.

Terms of Use for ICMEC Trademarks and Service Marks

ICMEC does not allow the use of its name, logo, or other marks (whether registered or not) without its express written consent in the form of a License Agreement signed by authorized ICMEC staff members.

Questions about and requests for use of ICMEC’s name, logo or other marks in connection with fundraising efforts and product or program promotion should be directed to:
Office of the President & CEO
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
2318 Mill Road, Suite 1010
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
United States of America
Phone: 1 703 837 6313
Fax: 1 703 549 4504

News agencies and all others may direct requests to ICMEC’s Communications Department.

Terms of Use and Linking Agreement for ICMEC Hypertext Link

ICMEC appreciates your use of the Hypertext Link to promote our mission. You may use the Hypertext Link in a list on “Useful Sites” and other similarly titled pages and/or within text on your website as long as you comply with the following terms and conditions:

  • Do not use the Hypertext Link in any context that may place any missing child in a false light.
  • Do not use the Hypertext Link for any commercial or sponsorship purpose.
  • Do not use the Hypertext Link in any way that may create the impression ICMEC benefits from the sale of your goods or services.
  • Do not use the Hypertext Link in any way that may create an impression of endorsement by ICMEC of any individual, entity, product, goods, services, program, event, or website.
  • Do not use the Hypertext Link in any way that may create an impression of affiliation, sponsorship, or partnership between ICMEC and you.
  • Do not use the Hypertext Link in any context that may tarnish ICMEC’s name or reputation.
  • Do not use the Hypertext Link on any website that includes pornography or any content ICMEC finds in its absolute and sole discretion to be lewd, obscene, vulgar, harassing, defamatory, offensive, or objectionable.
  • You agree to immediately remove the Hypertext Link from your website if instructed to do so by ICMEC.
  • All goodwill and improved reputation relating to any ICMEC marks generated by your use of such ICMEC marks will inure to the benefit of ICMEC. Nothing herein is intended to give you any rights in any ICMEC marks.
  • The laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall govern this agreement.
  • You acknowledge ICMEC may periodically update this agreement and you are responsible for checking www.icmec.org to learn of any changes.

Questions about linking to ICMEC’s website should be directed to:
Internet Administrator
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
2318 Mill Road, Suite 1010
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
United States of America
Phone: 1 703 837 6313
Fax: 1 703 549 4504

Reprint Policy for ICMEC Publications

All ICMEC publications are copyrighted materials. Any individual, organization, or entity wishing to use ICMEC’s copyrighted materials (ICMEC Materials) may do so when the

  • ICMEC Materials are to be used unaltered and in their entirety for educational, noncommercial purposes. Under no circumstances are ICMEC Materials to be used for fundraising purposes.
  • ICMEC Materials will not be used in any way that may create an impression of sponsorship or endorsement by ICMEC of any individual, entity, product, service, program, or event.
  • ICMEC Materials will not be used in any way that may create an impression of any type of partnership or affiliated relationship between ICMEC and you.
  • ICMEC is clearly noted as the source of the information.
  • Intended use will not conflict with ICMEC’s standards for child safety.
  • You will immediately discontinue use of the ICMEC Materials if requested to do so by ICMEC.
  • The laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall govern this Reprint Policy.
  • You acknowledge ICMEC may periodically update the Reprint Policy and you are responsible for checking www.icmec.org to learn of any changes.
  • When meeting the criteria noted above, you may add a line of text to the reprint stating, “Provided courtesy of” and insert your name and/or logo.

If you have space constraints and wish to reprint only an unaltered excerpt from any ICMEC publication, you must submit a request to do so along with a proof of the proposed reprint, including the surrounding text and imaging (ICMEC may request more information), to:
Office of the President & CEO
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
2318 Mill Road, Suite 1010
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
United States of America
Phone: 1 703 837 6313
Fax: 1 703 549 4504

ICMEC must ensure the integrity of its publications, including ensuring the essence of a publication is not lost in any reprinted excerpt. ICMEC retains the absolute and sole discretion to deny any request. If ICMEC chooses to allow the reprint of an excerpt, you must follow all other terms and conditions above.

Questions about this policy should be directed to:
Office of the President & CEO
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
2318 Mill Road, Suite 1010
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
United States of America
Phone: 1 703 837 6313
Fax: 1 703 549 4504