Every Child Deserves a Safe Childhood Image

One child missing, exploited, or abused is one too many.

Resources for Educators

Education Portal

Providing schools and parents with resources for preventing, reporting, and responding to concerns of child abuse, including the Managing Allegations Protocol, a roadmap for school leaders.

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Be Ready for Back to School

ITFCP School Allegation Protocol

A roadmap for school leaders in a crisis situation.

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Recursos para educadores y escuelas, en español

Portal de Educación (Español)

Informaciones a educadores, padres y niños sobre la protección contra el abuso infantil, el enfrentamiento en las escuelas y la denuncia a toda forma de abuso, explotación y negligencia.

Visite Nuestro Porta

120 countries partner with ICMEC to develop and improve systems to protect children around the world.

Read the 10th Edition

CSAM Model Law & Global Review

This groundbreaking report analyzes child sexual abuse material (CSAM) legislation in 196 countries around the world.

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155,000 professionals have been trained by ICMEC on how to respond to and investigate child abduction, sexual abuse and exploitation.

Resources for

Criminal Justice Professionals

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Free Training for Child Protection Professionals

Become an Agent of Change

Gain the knowledge and tools to combat child sexual exploitation in this free course presented by ICMEC and ECPAT.

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Resources for Healthcare Providers


Take a look at the Human Trafficking Toolkit, 2nd Edition

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Give now and help us build a safer world for children.

Thank you for helping us continue to make sure those on the frontlines of child protection have the skills and resources they need to help keep children safe.

Careers and Internships

Join the ICMEC Team!

Powering The Search PSA Launch

ICMEC, the Genius 100 Foundation, and Discovered.TV proudly present the groundbreaking "Powering the Search for Missing Children" PSA Campaign

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Global Hotline & Helpline Directory

Join ICMEC as we work to protect children.

Need help? See something? Say something.
Find reporting resources at our Global Hotline & Helpline Directory.

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Equality. Diversity. Humanity.
As we work to protect children, ICMEC stands against racial injustice.

Need help? See something? Say something.
Find reporting resources at our Global Hotline and Helpline Directory