Ad Quality Defense


HUMAN Ad Quality Defense helps your platform preserve the publisher-client experience by preventing unwanted ads.

Ad Quality Defense Tailored for You

For Platforms

For Publishers

Safeguard your platform
and improve inventory

Maximize inventory value and protect publisher partnerships by ensuring the quality of creatives you deliver programmatically.
Superior Detection
Identify quality violations with sophisticated scanning methods on both creatives and landing pages.
Checkmark in front of browser window
Protect Across Channels
Configure unique quality standards and settings to filter unwanted advertisers and creatives.
Human-Preserve Revenue and Time@2x
Maximize Revenue

Filter out unsuitable or offensive creatives to deliver higher-quality inventory to clients.

Safeguard Platform Pre-Bid Inventory

HUMAN Ad Quality Defense enables platforms to proactively remove low-quality and non-compliant digital ads before they ever reach the bidding stage—safeguarding their reputation and driving demand from partners.

Protect your platform with a purpose-built package.

Ad Quality Defense for Platforms is part of HUMAN’s Advertising Protection Package, a suite of solutions purpose-built to secure digital advertising.

Learn more

$73B will be wasted by brands
on digitally-suboptimal ads

HUMAN’s Ad Quality Defense for Platforms protects your inventory quality.

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of Ad Quality Defense

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