Zone 3
Dermatologists weighed in on how to set your expectations.
From street style to red carpet couture, we've rounded up 42 of our favorite celebrity looks.
The answer is likely to surprise you.
(And some intel on the ones they do actually like.)
The medication is not new, but a marketing push targeting perimenopausal and menopausal women is.
FYI, mites are living in your eyelashes. There’s a lot going on you should know about.
Science is about to support one of your favorite excuses to go to bed early.
How to keep your skin care safe through security this holiday season.
“He asked for more bronzer and I had a talk with him about trusting me," a makeup artist said of working with Trump.
Going to the gym isn't ALWAYS the best idea.
Less Bozo, more beauty.
Put another way: Could Blanche Devereaux and Samantha Jones actually be the same age?
Flip-flops might not be the only thing getting your tootsies in trouble.
Think of your hands like the rings in a tree trunk.
Facial hair changes are common with age, but they could also potentially happen at any time. Here's why.
Black dermatologists reveal the unique challenges that not all experts are equipped to handle.
Eye doctors reveal what you need to know when you pick out your next pair of shades.
This simple analogy could change the way you view photography of yourself.
"Hair training" or more like hair loss?
Three licensed dentists share why you should approach teeth whitening businesses with caution.