A comparative evaluation of Automated Immature Granulocytes (IMG) count on Yumizen H2500 with IG count measured by Sysmex XN-3000 analyzer(Poster | Rajesh Kumar Bhola et. Al | Published in 2022)The study compares immature granulocyte parameters (IMG) of HORIBA Medical Yumizen H2500 with the IG count of the Sysmex XN-3000 hematology analyzer.
A comparison of the granulocyte count from the ABX Micros ES60 and the neutrophil count from a 5-part differential analyser(Poster | A. Roderick, et. al | Published in 2010)A study has confirmed that the granulocyte count of the 3-part differential hematology analyzer ABX Micros ES60 correlates well when compared to the neutrophil count of a 5-part differential analyzer ABX Pentra DX120, in the absence of specific flagging. The neutrophil count is a key parameter in determining the treatment outcomes, with regards to chemotherapy, for both oncology and haematology patients, as well as for some other drug therapies.
A Point of Care FBC and Whole Blood CRP Comparison Study(Poster | Leanne Fitzgerald, et. al | Published in 2013)The aim of the study was to establish if the FBC and whole blood CRP results obtained for HORIBA Medical's Microsemi correlated with those results from the depts routine analysers, the Pentra 120 (HORIBA Medical) and the Cobas 6000 (Roche Diagnostics).
An evaluation of the Yumizen H500 FBC analyser for near-patient testing with oncology patients(Poster | Kinal Amin, et. al | Published in 2018)The possibility of increasing the amount of near patient testing could avoid delays and streamline the patient pathway. The study evaluated the Yumizen H500 analyzer by assessing correlation of obtained data with Pentra DX Nexus. The instrument was also assessed for usability and adherence to the requirements of the ISO15189 standard.
Analysis of body fluids: automated cell count using HORIBA Yumizen H2500(Poster | Joao Mariano Pego, et. al | Published in 2018)The study evaluated the analytical performance of the automatic hematology analyzer, the HORIBA Yumizen H2500, to compare the results with those obtained with the UniCel DxH 800 Coulter analyzer, and with the results from slide review, in different body fluids.
Analytical performances of a new immunoturbidimetric D-Dimer assay(Poster | Laurie Talon et. al | Published in 2021)The study evaluates the analytical performances of the Yumizen G DDi 2 assay (HORIBA Medical) performed with the Yumizen G800 analyzer and compares it with other available D-Dimer assays.
Analytical validation and method comparison of the HORIBA Medical Yumizen G1550 versus Stago STA-R Evolution System(Poster | A Jay et. al | Published in 2020)The purpose of this study is to compare analytical performance of STA-R Evolution and the Yumizen G1550 by using healthy and pathological plasmas for the parameters PT, aPTT and fibrinogen.
Assessment of 3 new functional antithrombin, protein C and protein S assays(Poster | P. Suchon et. al | Published in 2022)Comparison of the performance of the couple Horiba/YumizenG1550 with the local configuration (Stagoor Hyphen BioMed/STA-R Max) for the measurement of antithrombin, protein C and protein S.
Automated reticulocyte count wins over manual methods(Poster | Arvinder Singh et. al | Published in 2016)Pentra XLR from HORIBA Medical is found to be reliable, dependable and excellent instrument for estimating Reticulocyte Count by automation than its peer methods. It will help anemic patients in terms of better treatment, follow-up and diagnosis in all the stages and types of anemia.
Beta site evaluation of the new Pentra XLR and reticulocyte comparison with XE‐5000 and the BD Retic‐Count kit on FACSCanto II(Poster | Jeroen Malfait, et. al | Published in 2013)The aim of the evaluation is to determine the analytical performance of the Pentra XLR hematology analyzer. The results provided by this instrument were compared with those obtained by the routine analyzer Sysmex XE-5000. Moreover, RET results were compared with a reference method on a three laser flow cytometer (FACSCanto II flow cytometer by Beckton Dickinson).
C-reactive protein and total leukocyte count as a marker for the screening of early sepsis(Poster | Gaurav Chhabra et. al | Published in 2016)The study evaluates the usefulness of C-Reactive protein and total leukocyte count alone or coupled together as early diagnostic markers of bacterial infections among hospitalised patients.
Comparing granulocyte / neutrophil counts using four methodologies(Poster | S. Green, et. al | Published in 2011)This poster presents the results of a Spire Healthcare-commissioned granulocyte and neutrophil count comparison study of HORIBA Medical’s ABX Micros ES 60 and three other methodologies. The study shows that the granulocyte count of the ABX Micros ES 60 can be considered a neutrophil count in the absence of flags, making it a suitable instrument for all Point-of-Care (POC) settings. The neutrophil count is an important parameter in determining the treatment of oncology and hematology patients.
Comparison of Yumizen H2500 WBC differential with flow cytometry in suspected myelodysplastic syndrome(Poster | Francoise Durrieu et. al | Published in 2022)The study evaluates the WBC differential results and accuracy of the HORIBA Medical Yumizen H2500 as compared to flow cytometry in 22 blood samples from patients with a suspicion of myelodysplastic syndrome.
Diagnostic screening of malaria infestation through WBC scattergram(Poster | Parag Dharap et. al | Published in 2016)The study was conducted to assess whether any abnormal pattern is observed in five-part WBC scattergrams, which can help to develop an alarm for malaria screening.
Evaluation of dengue and malaria speciation suspect flags on compact 5 differential HORIBA Medical blood cell counter(Poster | Parag Dharap, et. al | Published in 2019)The study evaluated the performance of dengue and malaria speciation suspect flags on compact 5 part differential HORIBA Medical Yumizen H550 hematology analyzer.
Evaluation of EQA material on Yumizen G200 – coagulation analyser: UK NEQAS for Blood Coagulation study(Poster | L Brown, et. al | Published in 2019)The study has shown that UK National External Quality Assessment Scheme for Blood Coagulation (NEQAS BC) external quality assessment (EQA) lyophilised plasma samples can be tested on Yumizen G200 device.
Evaluation of the ability of the differential count on two hematology analyzers to detect leukemias, verified by bone marrow and peripheral blood smears(Poster | Mansyur Arif et. al | Published in 2022)The study evaluates the ability of the differential count on two hematology analyzers Yumizen H1500/2500 and Sysmex XN 1000 to detect leukemias. The results are verified by bone marrow and peripheral blood smears.
Evaluation of the body fluid cycle of the Yumizen H2500 analyzer (HORIBA Medical SAS)(Poster | Anais Inquel, et. al | Published in 2019)The study evaluated the performance of the body fluid cycle of the HORIBA Yumizen H2500 hematology analyzer. Results were compared to a conventional microscopic count and to the Sysmex XN10 reference analyzer in body fluid mode.
Evaluation of the Yumizen H500 FBC analyser and potential clinical improvements for point of care testing for paediatric patients groups(Poster | Daniel Boyland, et. al | Published in 2018)The possibility of increasing the availability of PoCT could reduce delays, improve overall turnaround, decrease unnecessary clinician contact time and improve patient prognostic pathways including potential prevention of hospitalisation in some patient groups. The study evaluated the Yumizen H500 analyzer by assessing correlation of obtained data with Pentra DX Nexus. The instrument was also assessed for usability and adherence to the requirements of the ISO 15189 standard.
Innovative HORIBA Medical compact 6-Diff hematology analyzer (Yumizen H500-ESR) performing FBC and ESR compared with ESR devices (RR Mechatronics Inversa and ALIFAX Test 1)(Poster | Gilles Bonicelli et. al | Published in 2022)The study was conducted to obtain enough samples with a significant variety of pathologies to understand the function of the prototype with high ESR samples and evaluate the prototype with patient bloods spanning the entire analytical range (2-120 mm).
Interest of HORIBA Medical Yumizen H1500/H2500 technology in patients with WBC-DIFF abnormalities due to malignant blood disease or chemotherapy treatment(Poster | P. Correia, et. al | Published in 2019)The study evaluated the flagging performance in the WBC differential of the HORIBA Yumizen H1500/H2500 hematology analyzer in comparison with the Pentra Nexus in patients with pathology or treatment affecting hematopoiesis (under chemotherapy affecting hematology parameters or with onco-hematologic disorder).
Large platelet fraction (LPF) - a nouvel parameter measured by Yumizen H2500 & its correlation with immature platelet fraction (IPF) by Sysmex XN1000(Poster | R.K. Bhola et. al | Published in 2022)The aim of this comparative study is to evaluate analytical efficiency of the new parameter Large Platelet Fraction (LPF) set on Yumizen H2500 hematology analyzer vs. Immature Platelet Fractions (IPF) of Sysmex XN 1000.
Leukocyte differential in hematology analyzers according to white blood cell count(Poster | Lena Bielawska, et. al | Published in 2018)The study evaluated the analytical efficiency of new methodological solutions, used in hematology analyzer Yumizen H2500, compared with the SIEMENS ADVIA 2120i in the assessment of peripheral complete cell blood count (CBC) in hematological oncology.
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) & hematocrit (HCT) evaluation: observational study on routinely processed blood samples using different analytical methods(Poster | Paulo Silva et. al | Published in 2024)
Multi-site comparison of Yumizen H2500 Large Platelet Fraction quantified by optical extinction method with Sysmex XN Immature Platelet Fraction measured by fluorescence method(Poster | Marion EVEILLARD et. al | Published in 2024)
Multi-site whole blood correlation in-between Yumizen H1500/2500 with Sysmex XN-10 with manual microscopy for routine and immaturity parameters(Poster | Mathias CHEA et. al | Published in 2024)
Newly developed dilute Russell’s viper venom reagents for lupus anticoagulant detection(Poster | Laurie Talon et. al | Published in 2021)The aim of this study is to evaluate analytical performance of new formulation DVVtest/DVVconfirm (BioMedica Diagnostics) performed with the Yumizen G800 analyzer (HORIBA Medical) and to compare it with a currently available dRVVT assay performed on a STAR Max analyzer (Stago).
Performance validation for HORIBA Medical Yumizen H2500 and H1500 blood cell counters, components for HORIBA Evolutive Laboratory Organization (HELO) Solution, compared to the Sysmex XN-10(Poster | Cecile Chabert, et. al | Published in 2018)The validation studies were performed to confirm performance specifications on precision, LOQ, linearity, precision and method comparisons to other blood cunter models (Pentra DX Nexus, Siemens Advia 2120, Sysmex XE-2100, Beckman Coulter DXH800 and Sysmex XN-10) and microscopic leukocyte differential counts.
Performance Validation of HORIBA Medical Yumizen H2500 Blood Cell Counter, Analytical Component for HORIBA Evolutive Laboratory Organisation (HELO) Solution, Compared to DXH 800(Poster | Gilles Bonicelli et. al | Published in 2018)After the release of HORIBA's HELO hematology solution, the initial validation studies were performed to confirm performance specifications on precision, LOQ, linearity, precision and method comparisons to Beckman Coulter's DXH800 and microscopic leukocyte differential counts.
The evaluation of various hematocrit value samples on Yumizen SPS & DXH slidemaker stainer ll (SMS ll) automated systems(Poster | S.C. Nair et. al | Published in 2022)The aim of the study is to evaluate the quality of the slides produced by Yumizen SPS which does not automatically adjust its spreading parameters, versus DxH Slidemaker Stainer II (SMS II) (Beckman coulter Inc, USA) which adapts its smearing parameters according to the hematocrit value.
The performance of the ESR parameter of the new Yumizen H500E analyser compared to the reference method (Mechatronics Inversa) and another 'Alternative' ESR measurement analyser (Alifax Test 1)(Poster | Raymond TOGHILL et. al | Published in 2024)The Yumizen H500E employs an ‘alternative’ optical methodology, incorporated into a routine CBC analyzer, which tracks the agglomeration stage of red cells to provide an ESR result in 60 seconds.
The sensitivity of two new APTT reagents to factors VIII, IX, and XI(Poster | Annette Bowyer et. al | Published in 2020)The aim of this study is to compare the APTT sensitivity to clotting factors VIII, IX and XI of HORIBA Medical's APTT reagents, Yumizen G APTT 4 and Yumizen G APTT Liq 4, with 6 commonly used APTT reagents.
To study the P-LCC variation and impact on symptomatic relief in patients with thrombocytopenia(Poster | Neeraj Jain et. al | Published in 2017)P-LCC is one of indicators of platelet activation. The study was conducted to understand the role of P-LCC parameter which is affordable to the general population in this study.
Validation of HORIBA Medical Pentra XL/XLR and Microsemi CRP Malaria flag performance derived from algorithmic data-mining techniques(Poster | Parag Dharap et. al | Published in 2017)The study validates the performance of HORIBA Medical's Malaria flag equipped on the low-medium range cell counters (Pentra XL/XLR and Microsemi CRP).
WBC histogram pattern contributes to diagnostic screening of malaria infestation(Poster | Parag Dharap et. al | Published in 2015)The study was conducted to assess whether flaggings generated in WBC histograms in three part differential hematology cell counter, can help as an important adjuvant diagnostic tool for malaria screening.