Use your own domain name with HEY

Custom email addresses, plus multi-user support
for small businesses, groups, or family use.

Use private comments
to discuss emails with co-workers

Send and receive email with
your own custom domain

Share threads with
teammates without messy
forwards, cc’s, or bcc’s

Collections help you collaborate on
multiple threads in one place

Set up unlimited email
in seconds

Multi-user support lets
you manage everyone’s
account in one place

We’ll bring the email, you bring the domain name

With HEY for Domains, we’ll host your email on your own domain name. Just you? Perfect. Have a company with dozens of employees? Even better. HEY for Domains’ multi-user features are built for work, teams, and collaboration.

A common thread, not a tangled ball of yarn

Lots of work emails are group emails. And not everyone’s involved from the start. As you add teammates at different times, people end up with different versions of the same conversation. And sharing a thread often means forwarding a long, indented mess that’s challenging to read.

Then, if you want to have a side conversation about an email, you have to start another thread, or jump off into another tool. Now stuff is scattered. Pretty soon you have a big tangled ball of yarn.

Not anymore. With a multi-user HEY account, you share threads with co-workers without cc’ing or forwarding. Everyone involved sees the same version of the thread in one place. Plus, you can have private inline discussions — all on the same page and without anyone on the outside knowing. Better!

Learn more about Shared Threads

A shared thread in HEY with inline private comments

Collections wrangle complex conversations

Complex, multi-thread email conversations happen all the time at work.

For example, when we applied for employee life insurance, we ended up with 63 emails over 7 different threads. Have you tried sharing dozens of emails across multiple threads with co-workers? Or attempted to hand off an email-based project to another team? It’s borderline impossible, and legitimately painful.

HEY fixes this by letting you add multiple threads to a single Collection — automatically organizing the entire conversation on one page. Sharing the Collection with someone else on your account instantly grants them access to everything without forwarding, cc’ing, or ruining their day. It’s a revelation in sharing, reading, and working together.

Learn more about Collections

A Collection in HEY

sales@, support@, press@…

HEY for Domains lets you add email “extensions” like sales@, support@, info@, etc. in seconds. Emails sent to these addresses can be delivered to anyone you’d like — including multiple people — or forwarded to an external address. They’re great for group work, and they even support private comments so you can discuss or collaborate on responses prior to replying.

Extensions in HEY for Domains

HEY for Domains FAQs

Can I use HEY for Domains by myself?

Absolutely. HEY for Domains is built for one user or multiple users. So, if you’ve got your own domain, and you want your email address at that domain, HEY for Domains is perfect. Plus, HEY for Domains is expandable. Got a business? You can add as many users as you’d like for just $10/month for the first user (you), and then $12/month per user after that.

If we use HEY for Domains, does our whole company have to switch?

Yes, if you’re signing your company up to run its email on HEY for Domains, everyone at your company needs to switch. Why? Because of the way MX records and email domain hosting works, you can’t host corporate email across multiple email providers. The same is true for G Suite/Workspace or Outlook — every employee needs to use the same email provider if their email address has the same domain name (, etc).

If we switch to HEY for Domains for email, can we still use Google Calendar, Google Drive, etc?

Yes, absolutely. HEY for Domains only hosts your company’s email, but if you maintain a subscription with Google, your company can still use Google Calendar, Drive, etc. Not a problem. You can even add calendar invites and events directly from within G Suite, and they’ll still come from your email address with your domain, even though your email is hosted on HEY.

Can we import all our old email if we switch to HEY for Domains?

HEY doesn’t support importing old email from other services. Your email addresses remain the same, but otherwise HEY is a fresh start. Other email services allow you to export your emails, so you can always have access to old stuff locally if you need it.

Does HEY for Domains have a free trial?

We don’t offer a free trial of HEY for Domains, but you can try the basic version of HEY for 30 days for free. HEY for Domains is the same version, with a bunch of extra great features layered on top. We do, however, give you 30 days to complete the HEY for Domains setup and switchover process, so you’ll have plenty of time to get everyone ready to make the switch.

How much does HEY for Domains cost?

HEY for Domains is $12/month/person, but we discount the first user to only $10/month. So if 7 people work at your company, that’s $82/month total (1 person × $10/month 6 people × $12/month = $82). Take a look at our pricing page for additional details. At this time we only bill in US Dollars.

Can I upgrade from HEY to HEY for Domains?

HEY and HEY for Domains are separate products with separate accounts that you manage individually. You can’t upgrade/downgrade one to the other, but you can have both (or many). And you can always link your accounts so you can see all your email in one place.

What happens when I add another person between billing cycles?

Adding or removing users will be reflected in your next bill.

What if I have more questions?

Send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll help you out.