Certificate Authority Root

GlobalSign Certificate Authority Root

In an interconnected world, your online solutions need to interact seamlessly with customers connecting to your web server, reading your emails, running your code or trusting your electronic documents. The GlobalSign Root Certificate is present in every popular machine, device, application and platform that utilizes the trust of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) e.g. SSL/TLS, S/MIME, Code Signing and Document Signing.

GlobalSign mandates 2048 bit keys across its entire Digital Certificate portfolio in compliance with CA/Browser Forum guidelines and NIST recommendations.

Supported Applications, Operating Systems & Platforms

Extended Validation Browsers
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
Opera 9.5
Firefox 3
Google Chrome
Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod 3.0

Web Browsers (SSL/TLS enabled)
Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 6
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
Opera 9.26
Google Chrome

Email Clients (S/MIME)
Microsoft Outlook 2003
Mozilla Thunderbird
Qualcomm Eudora 6.2
Lotus Notes (6 )
Netscape Communicator 4.51
Apple Mail
The Bat

Major Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7,and 8 (all versions inc 32/64 bit)
Apple MAC OS 10.5X onwards
All Major Linux Distributions (Debian, Ubuntu etc.)
Java SE 6 Update 3

Mobile OSs, Micro Browsers, Handsets & Game Consoles
Android (inclusion carrier specific)
Apple Safari for iPhone, iPod, iPad
Microsoft Windows Mobile 7
RIM Blackberry 4.3.0
NTT / DoCoMo
SoftBank Mobile
Opera 9.26
Major Operators inc. Vodafone, EE, Sprint, AT&T
Major Handset providers SonyEricsson, Nokia, Alcatel & Palm (S40/S60/S80/OSSO) based Handsets from 2002
Sony PlayStation Vita
Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Application Suites
Microsoft Authenticode & Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
Adobe AIR
Sun Java JRE (1.4.2 Update 16 , 5.0 Update 13 , 6 Update 3 )
Google Checkout
NSS 3.11.10

Additional Communities
The Digital TV Group (www.dtg.org.uk)