GlobalSign, The Identity Authority

Putting confidence in your digital identities since 1996.


Our Mission

As technology evolves, the need for trusted, verified, and easily deployed digital identities to secure our connections will continue to grow. GlobalSign is the global identity authority providing security, convenience and trust through digital identities for everyone and everything. ​

Our Story

Since 1996, our team has been committed to understanding our customers and developing solutions that ensure businesses can trust their digital world. Our solutions are built on a proven track record of pioneering new technologies, establishing standards, and consistently ensuring the security and identity of your digital connections.

For over 25 years, we have proven our worth as a leader in digital identities and as partners to our global customers, giving them access to the advice and expertise that ensures they can trust they have made the right choices to build their own long history of success.



cloud signatures

supplied worldwide

0.5 Trillion

OCSP requests

served globally

Over 267M


rely on GlobalSign



supplied to our users

Locations Worldwide

Local teams to support our
customers' identity needs

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Certified on Four ISO Standards

ISO 27701:2019 PIMS, ISO 27017:2015 Cloud Security,
ISO 22301 BCM and ISO 27001

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600 Employees

Committed to building
identity services for IoE

Our People

Trust is a people thing. Despite the ever-evolving nature of technology, the importance of trust between people remains constant. Our global and diverse workforce is the corner stone of our success. They each bring their unique skill, knowledge and perspective to create stable tapestry of customer centric innovation. Our people are our most valuable asset, embodying our mission and values, ensuring our continued growth.As technology evolves, the need for trusted, verified, and easily deployed digital identities to secure our connections will continue to grow globally. GlobalSign is here to provide security through digital identity for everyone and everything.

High Volume Capabilities

Our inception of being a public CA in 1996 has led us to now pioneer the high volume CA technology that allows IoT developers to employ millions of Certificates for devices and web services at unprecedented speed and ease.

Cloud based Managed PKI

For the enterprise, our Managed PKI cloud service and Active Directory integration is used by thousands of high profile companies around the world, providing comprehensive certificate management for SSL, Secure Email, Document Signing and Code Signing that helps organizations manage compliance risk and reduce typical PKI costs.

Proven and Global Identity solutions

Our proven and globally deployed identity solutions support both cloud and on-premise deployments for SSO, customer self-management and transaction confirmation for the extended ecosystem of business partners and customers.

Our Customers