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HEY! I didnt ask for sadness this early in the day! >:C
it makes me so sad to see but now she has friends and a mission to start a local chapter of the CMCS she will be fine
That's so sad... But she's still kind of a bitch
Love the bunny plushie ;P
Love the bunny plushie ;P
Must... keep up... urge to... spank daylight out off... her...
hnnnnrrRGGGHHHH! Ahh dammit!!!
*wipes her tears away and huggs her*
Happy now?
Great work, i can totaly see the Oranges as such "i dont give a flying shit about my daughter" parents. I think this will be fanon soon.^^
hnnnnrrRGGGHHHH! Ahh dammit!!!
*wipes her tears away and huggs her*
Happy now?
Great work, i can totaly see the Oranges as such "i dont give a flying shit about my daughter" parents. I think this will be fanon soon.^^
Whenever I see the "bad" characters, these are the sort of things I think of. Like, WHY do they act the way they do. One of the reasons Trixie is my favorite girl XD
This is so freakin' sad though...very nicely done!
This is so freakin' sad though...very nicely done!
It makes you feel bad for her, but yeah, it seems like it would just about right. Sadly, while I love the Orange's and such, they do seem like the snootier kind to ignore such a thing and focus on having a good time. SIGH. Curse the loves and hates of things. XD I can only feel so bad for Babs though cause she just didn't appeal to me, unlike Aunt and Uncle there. XD Love how you drew those two BTW. :3
This is exactly why I liked her as soon as the episode was over. All my favorites seem to have something going against them.
This goes well with the given explanation in the show. I felt bad for the Crusaders of course but also for Babs. There always were those little hints, how Babs reacted, covering her flank with her tail, even after she was accepted by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. And, contrary to popular believe on youtube, the explanation was convincing, since I knew someone like that from school myself. So I kind of anticipated that explanation because Babs looked very insecure in the beginning and I didn't really bought her new mean attitude because of her body language. While she was convincing as a bully in the song, she wasn't in all of the other scenes. All those little details about her hinted clearly that it wasn't her true personality and that there was something else going on. I'm glad the Crusaders tried to abort their plan after learning the truth and that Babs also realized her mistakes and was still accepted by the Crusaders. I wouldn't have loved to hate her as another random bully who was mean without reasons, so I'm glad there was a convincing backstory for her and I think you captured it quite well.
Yeah, that seems like part of the idea the episode was hinting at. Dunno about the lack of attention by parents, but everything else is spot on. Well, she has her sister I hope!
Considering how many relatives they have I'm not sure Babs is Aunt and Uncle Orange's kid, though if she is then she seems to be parented more by her sister than he parents since she promised AppleJack to talk out her problems with her elder sister. Even then this scenario could still play out, big sis might get home after Babs does, the poor gal not getting the attention she needs until her sister does get home.
It makes sense except for Babs' accent. It's very gritty, sort of like Rocky Balboa's. Just doesn't fit upper-middle class. This still got me right in the feels, though.
I figured I'd go with the one more people would recognize. Though that division is becoming smaller every day. If her father spoke like him,
imagine the style of advice that could be given.
"You hang around with smart people, you get smart friends. You hang around with yo-yo people, you get yo-yo friends, it's simple mathematics."
imagine the style of advice that could be given.
"You hang around with smart people, you get smart friends. You hang around with yo-yo people, you get yo-yo friends, it's simple mathematics."
You learn accent from your surroundings. In this version I don't think they cared much about her. All she had is school and the bullying.
I still don't like her, and I still loath the CMCs. A waste of a perfectly good and very limited pool of episodes as I heard this was a short season.
Well, she was mean. But at least she apologized in the end and wanted to start over and the Crusaders gave her a second chance. I guess, if we ever see her again she might be more likeable to some people. Her character has potential. She was misguided, made a mistake out of fear and learned to stand up for her and her friends and family. Personally I'm preferring seeing a character grow instead of being static and always perfect, which btw. the Crusader weren't themselfes, if you remember the incident with the "foal free press". They too fell for Diamond Tiaras schemes and upset the majority of the town, but they got a second chance. I'm glad that they learned from their experience and also gave a second chance to Babs.
The CMC's are in fact static terrible characters that are poorly written and never evolve. They're always making the worst possible mistakes and choices even when they aren't hurting themselves or the ones around them.
So this random one-off character shows up and does the CMC thing only instead of being a better character, she's just another one episode "bad-guy." Woooo. I love the message too. If you almost kill the bully, then they'll stop being an asshole.
So this random one-off character shows up and does the CMC thing only instead of being a better character, she's just another one episode "bad-guy." Woooo. I love the message too. If you almost kill the bully, then they'll stop being an asshole.
she was never threatened to be killed. the CMC crashed themselves down with the float. Did you even watch the episode ?... When did someone seriously get killed in that show yet?.. Come on now use your brain..
Please find the show, go to 18:04 or so on a viewing without commercials. Seed and Applejack are walking down the slope and she says, "after I'd been so mean to ya, [pause] you saved me."
Dying in this show? Are you kidding, they'll never let that happen. So yeah, I stand by my "If you almost kill the bully..." thank you very much. The message still seems to be, arrange the bully to come to harm or nearly come to harm and problem will resolve itself. Now one interesting thing that no one commenting on this show has mentioned. Why did the other adult ponies just stand around and allow the bullying to continue? And we'll never know what Applejack would have done to stop the bullying either. All she said was, "and all of this could have been avoided if ya'll had come to me in the very beginning [18:57]." Right, like that would have solved everything. And I just don't buy that the CMC's turned into bullies themselves either. Because all they did was spend the entire episode bullied themselves. They merely plotted revenge. But I guess its only a children's show. Not like we'd see a Columbine or some crap.
So yeah, any more sound bites you want me to pull from the show?
disclaimer: all timings are from iTunes version of show. any edits or censorship from the live broadcast are solely the responsibility of Apple and the HUB's editing department.
Dying in this show? Are you kidding, they'll never let that happen. So yeah, I stand by my "If you almost kill the bully..." thank you very much. The message still seems to be, arrange the bully to come to harm or nearly come to harm and problem will resolve itself. Now one interesting thing that no one commenting on this show has mentioned. Why did the other adult ponies just stand around and allow the bullying to continue? And we'll never know what Applejack would have done to stop the bullying either. All she said was, "and all of this could have been avoided if ya'll had come to me in the very beginning [18:57]." Right, like that would have solved everything. And I just don't buy that the CMC's turned into bullies themselves either. Because all they did was spend the entire episode bullied themselves. They merely plotted revenge. But I guess its only a children's show. Not like we'd see a Columbine or some crap.
So yeah, any more sound bites you want me to pull from the show?
disclaimer: all timings are from iTunes version of show. any edits or censorship from the live broadcast are solely the responsibility of Apple and the HUB's editing department.
Saving someone doesn't necessarily mean from danger. You could easily save someone from exposure or being embarassed, the latter was the stated goal from the CMC. "When you look up embarrassed in the dictionary, her face will be there". (around ~ 10:43) They never wanted to hurt her physically, they just wanted to embarrass her.
And a talk with Applejack in the first place really could have avoided most of the plot, so Applejack's reason for not telling earlier was that she didn't want Babs to feel singled out while the Crusaders (except Sweetie Belle) were afraid of being snitches or of Babs herself.
That's not a unique problem with MLP:FIM but with most TV shows and even the real life. If everything would always be said in the first place many mistakes might never happened, while that would be favorable in real life, it would make TV shows boring because it would destroy plots and plot twists alike.
And a talk with Applejack in the first place really could have avoided most of the plot, so Applejack's reason for not telling earlier was that she didn't want Babs to feel singled out while the Crusaders (except Sweetie Belle) were afraid of being snitches or of Babs herself.
That's not a unique problem with MLP:FIM but with most TV shows and even the real life. If everything would always be said in the first place many mistakes might never happened, while that would be favorable in real life, it would make TV shows boring because it would destroy plots and plot twists alike.
When I mentioned static characters I was thinking more in terms like the Simpsons. While I loved that show in earlier years (and I still do love Futurama), Simpsons has become boring with characters who stayed the same in over 2 decades.
The Crusaders seem slowly to improve. They made many mistakes themselves (none of which I remember as lethal dangers) but learned their lessons. Like I said they were given a second chance, now they gave one to Babs. Scoots seemed to get a hang on hovering in the air, Sweeties magic sparked up, little indicators that they in fact are evolving, as long as those scenes were no comically one-shots, which remains unknown right now.
The liking of this episode (and the characters in it) seems to be based on personal preferences mainly. I remember the "Baby Cakes" Episode people didn't like because they just didn't like babies and the small Cakes mostly behaved like babies do with just a little magic and related stuff interwoven into their behavior. Or "The last roundup" which made people debate because a canon "Derpy" was to big of an issue for some people to just accept it and move on. I guess this episode might suffer for some people of similar things. Since I have no problems with kids at all I also like the Crusaders as what they are: a bunch of kids trying to find out what they are good in. I think Babs fitted quite well in that episode because she behaved exactly like some kids sadly do in real life. She was just afraid to be bullied again and liked to fit in, even when knowing she never really belonged to that particular group. She just tried to survive her time in Ponyville by joining those who would made her life miserable if she sided for her family and their friends. That was her big mistake. It took the remorse of the Crusaders to show her that. She not only learned that they were responsible for and willing to create the accident that should embarass her (the one thing she was afraid from happening) to get her back, but also that they cared enough for her after learning that her life hasn't been easy on her, that they successfully rescued her in spite of her bullying. She got a second chance and finally was accepted by someone who really cared for her. So that's the message I got: Forgiveness and granting second chances.
The other completely unrelated thing I liked most about this episode: Ponyville was able to start an event without catastrophes (except the crashing Floats due to the plot) and without the help of Twilights talent for organization, Pinkies party plans (even if she piloted a float, lots of other ponies did this too), Applejacks reliability, Raritys decorations, Rainbows Rainbooms and Fluttershys... well, whatever it is Fluttershy could have provided (I like her, I really do, but that doesn't make her a great organization talent, when animals aren't needed). I really like the main cast, but sometimes they make the other town folks look dangerously incompetent. I'm glad this was not the case this episode. The town looked way more alive then usual, I liked that. Also that little A-Team reference when the CMC build their second float was just nice. Also I liked the humor in that episode much. Pinkie preventing Spike from following the scent and following herself or Scootaloo's oily cutie mark which wasn't a cutie mark at all much to her disappointment. I loved all those little details which fitted rather nicely in my opinion.
But of course everyone has a different sense of taste. I surely hope you'll find something in the following episodes you will like more. I'm sure I do.
The Crusaders seem slowly to improve. They made many mistakes themselves (none of which I remember as lethal dangers) but learned their lessons. Like I said they were given a second chance, now they gave one to Babs. Scoots seemed to get a hang on hovering in the air, Sweeties magic sparked up, little indicators that they in fact are evolving, as long as those scenes were no comically one-shots, which remains unknown right now.
The liking of this episode (and the characters in it) seems to be based on personal preferences mainly. I remember the "Baby Cakes" Episode people didn't like because they just didn't like babies and the small Cakes mostly behaved like babies do with just a little magic and related stuff interwoven into their behavior. Or "The last roundup" which made people debate because a canon "Derpy" was to big of an issue for some people to just accept it and move on. I guess this episode might suffer for some people of similar things. Since I have no problems with kids at all I also like the Crusaders as what they are: a bunch of kids trying to find out what they are good in. I think Babs fitted quite well in that episode because she behaved exactly like some kids sadly do in real life. She was just afraid to be bullied again and liked to fit in, even when knowing she never really belonged to that particular group. She just tried to survive her time in Ponyville by joining those who would made her life miserable if she sided for her family and their friends. That was her big mistake. It took the remorse of the Crusaders to show her that. She not only learned that they were responsible for and willing to create the accident that should embarass her (the one thing she was afraid from happening) to get her back, but also that they cared enough for her after learning that her life hasn't been easy on her, that they successfully rescued her in spite of her bullying. She got a second chance and finally was accepted by someone who really cared for her. So that's the message I got: Forgiveness and granting second chances.
The other completely unrelated thing I liked most about this episode: Ponyville was able to start an event without catastrophes (except the crashing Floats due to the plot) and without the help of Twilights talent for organization, Pinkies party plans (even if she piloted a float, lots of other ponies did this too), Applejacks reliability, Raritys decorations, Rainbows Rainbooms and Fluttershys... well, whatever it is Fluttershy could have provided (I like her, I really do, but that doesn't make her a great organization talent, when animals aren't needed). I really like the main cast, but sometimes they make the other town folks look dangerously incompetent. I'm glad this was not the case this episode. The town looked way more alive then usual, I liked that. Also that little A-Team reference when the CMC build their second float was just nice. Also I liked the humor in that episode much. Pinkie preventing Spike from following the scent and following herself or Scootaloo's oily cutie mark which wasn't a cutie mark at all much to her disappointment. I loved all those little details which fitted rather nicely in my opinion.
But of course everyone has a different sense of taste. I surely hope you'll find something in the following episodes you will like more. I'm sure I do.
She really needs a friend. Maybe three friends. Some ponies who know what it's like and maybe they could form a consortia to help support each other. Now I wonder where she could do that.....