The apple family has hired help to stop an apple rustler invasion
The apple family has hired help to stop an apple rustler invasion
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1207 x 1000px
File Size 1.4 MB
I dunno too much about guns lol they don't interest me much that's I got my fists lol
it's a Winchester.
but for the record their rifles do look like shotguns.
but for the record their rifles do look like shotguns.
The whole scene just doesn't look right...but still looks awesome!
Just walk away. You can put a stop to all this. Just walk away, and we will spare your lives... just walk away.
I knew you north-americans were crazy for black fridays, but this is going too far!
There is possiblities in that...
Flim and Flam, Apple Rustlers.
One already has the villain's mustache.
Flim and Flam, Apple Rustlers.
One already has the villain's mustache.
Anyone else saw this image and was thinking of apple-related swear words in AJ's voice?
This art piece amusing me. I like it lots!
This art piece amusing me. I like it lots!
They picked the WRONG apple family to mess with. I can just see A.J. haven at it with her lever action.
You did a gorgeous job on the scene here. Great work of the various props, like the grate near the fence and the little apple flag.
I can only imagine what Big Macintosh is using to hold off the invasion.
You did a gorgeous job on the scene here. Great work of the various props, like the grate near the fence and the little apple flag.
I can only imagine what Big Macintosh is using to hold off the invasion.
He's probably preparing to hose down the area. May Celestia have mercy on those rustlers, 'cause Mac sure won't.
"Ah will, sis! After all, you're the highest ranking officer in all of Ponyville! Why, you even attached all your war medals to the barn so I'd always remember it!"
This reminds me of the South Park episode where all the guidos from Jersey try to invade them.
give me an apple for down payment and you will have my riffle by your side apple family
One apple in advance and one when the jobs done and those Rustlers will be packing up and moving along in 5 minutes.
Looks good but AJ's left cheek would look a little awkward if viewed from the other angle; should try more to even the expression out in the future
This scene reminds me of the Alamo... Correct me if I'm wrong.