I finally decided to get some better pictures of my fursuit head. This took way too long to make, but this is my first fursuit head, so I'm still learning. It was a fun experience, and I hope to begin work on another, should time permit in the near future.
Category Photography / Fursuit
Species Wolf
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 1024px
File Size 271.7 kB
Looks awesome for a first attempt and Fursuit making. ;3
This is really neat, i like how smooth it is and how it has a realism to it. Very good representation of your sona~
No problemo hun~ ^.^ If you got more comfortable with it i would say your suits are quality commission material. ^.^ I have done alot of research on suitmakers and such and just, bah,i dont wanna overstep my boundaries but i really think this appeals to me, if this is your first actual suit then i would love to see more~
Ooh, really? Aw, heh, I may have a little ways to go before I'm that comfy with it, but thank you. I messed up a lot on this one... heh, but I was learning, still am. Ooh, good to hear someone enjoys the style. I appreciate that. And hopefully there'll be more early next year, I have a few more in planning.
Very nice. X3 Maybe if you eventually open for commissions i will have enough money to put down on at least a head. my sona is a bit complicate though. X3 heh.
Ooh, heh, that sounds like it'd be fun. Aw, but she looks adorable, if I'm looking at the right one.
Same as my icon pic? ^.^ The red eyed spidercat? ^.^ If that's the one, then you have it correct.
That's the one. Lovely character design, she's a cutie, It'd be neat to see those eyes on a fursuit.
I know right? i always thought so. X3 Having a suit would be awesome, i thought i could one day make one, but i cant seem to get the right money/materials/motivation. X3 I'm glad you like her.
hehe, totally. And uhuh, the motivation part seems to be the hardest to get down sometimes. If you decide to make one sometime, and have any questions, I'd be happy to try to answer them. Though I really don't have that much experience myself.
heh, awesome, I know the feeling. Um, this one (Wolfie) is plastic canvas and foam. My other (Cassie) is balaclava hood, elastic and foam. It's much easier to get the jaw working right if you're using canvas, but the other type I tried turned out a little smaller and more manageable, despite the jaw not quite being the same.
smaller can be better, i prefer a non mascot sized head myself. lol
(erf... I accidentally hid a comment when I went to reply. heh, is there a way to unhide it?) Oh cool, heh, plastic canvas, and/or just foam would be fine for it then.
Aww, why thank you! I gots a few more heads coming up in the near future.
A wonderful first head! Great seamwork (practically flawlessly hidden) and very smooth shaving.
Aw, thank you! *smiles* I really appreciate that. I may remake him in the somewhat near future. I've changed my style up a bit since then.