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ironcly i had the Phoenix Wright Sound track playng when i saw this XD
objection your honor! that lawyer is a baby >:O lol love the comic Gem :3
I've only been in a courtroom once... it was to get my name legally changed. All I did was stand up, declare that I wasn't doing it to defraud anyone or escape from a debt, and it was all over but the certified copies from the clerk. And I only had to wait like five minutes for the few people in front of me to do exactly the same; I waited longer in the lobby for the appointment since I ALSO overestimated the time it'd take to get through security (based on experiences with airport security :P).
my daddys car got hit by another car. the guy driving the car said daddy hit him (Which was a lie) so we had to go to court. All the damage to our car was on the back drivers side and all teh damage to the evil guys car was on the front bumper so how he was claiming we hit him is beyond me. Anyway first time it went to court the evil guy didnt turn up, so case was adjourned, second time it went to court the guy, his solicitor/lawyer, our solicitor/lawyer didnt turn up so it was just us and the judge so the cause was adjourned. third time it went to court the guy turned up, faked an asthma attack (im asthmatic, this guy really wasnt) and then said he was going outside for some air then ran off) We finished the case without him. needless to say his argument fell flat on its face and we got awarded compensation for the loss of time and he got lumbered with thr court bill. Serves him right for lying
o3o -snores in the jury with her eyes open- (x3)
or do what Homer would do in jury duty *puts on glasses with painted on eyes*
hey if you listen closely you can hear the air rush out from the ridiculus hair piece on the judge
hehe cool *sits in the jury box with glasses on with painted on eyes*
The only time I've seen court be fun was in "Liar Liar". That's a great movie.
You sound very good at monologues Gem. So what is the score of the jurys' verdicts?
good thing you didn't make the entire court session, cuz the short ones are an average of 4 hours.
OBJECTION! I thought I give somthing from Phinex Wright ago
Not really a legal expert but can a Crown Prosecutor represent someone as a defence attorney?
Just skipping through the old pages and is that a Souffle I spy? Has he been keeping an eye on her?