The Book of VG Virtuegen Page 3/145 | VG
Hi guys, VG here!
Here is page 3 of my book! It talks about anti-furries for a brief second. It is also speaking on misunderstandings people have had about me. You see, I am the Blue Trickster, and I want to conquer the internet with love and kindness. I was made to be kind. The many haters that have tried to silence me have been shut up. They will never stop the army of kindness, wholesomeness and compassion that I use as weapons to destroy evil and spread happiness and love to people who need it. This page does refer to justice as not being one-sided. I have dealt with people wronging me and getting away with it. Life is unfair like that. But like I said on page 2, Karma is going to get ya good. You might not be in trouble now for what you did, but it is coming for you. The thing is that is also what my Last Laugh means. Eventually, I will be content when you end up realizing that you messed up, but it's too late. Anti-furries are in that category. One day, you will see why it's dumb to hate furries and therians and bully them in real life or online. You might even become one of us! And then, you will realize what kind of person I am. Am I evil, stupid and wrong like you thought I was? NO! I am a kind person, and maybe now you will regret what you did. Because when I am innocent, I will fight like hell to clear my name. When I am wrong, I know it, and I realize very quickly how that was not right. Furries should be left to mind their business instead of being hated on by 12-year-old brats that don't get enough love from mommy and daddy. And the many times that I experienced hate from anti-furries, I was innocent. This book is a testament to the pain of bullying and abuse that I suffered. I won't stay silent after what I have gone through. This book is my past, present and future. And it addresses silence from the abused. And nobody should stay silent after being abused or bullied. The silent will be heard. But only if you hit that watch button on my profile!
-VG 💙💛🐾
Here is page 3 of my book! It talks about anti-furries for a brief second. It is also speaking on misunderstandings people have had about me. You see, I am the Blue Trickster, and I want to conquer the internet with love and kindness. I was made to be kind. The many haters that have tried to silence me have been shut up. They will never stop the army of kindness, wholesomeness and compassion that I use as weapons to destroy evil and spread happiness and love to people who need it. This page does refer to justice as not being one-sided. I have dealt with people wronging me and getting away with it. Life is unfair like that. But like I said on page 2, Karma is going to get ya good. You might not be in trouble now for what you did, but it is coming for you. The thing is that is also what my Last Laugh means. Eventually, I will be content when you end up realizing that you messed up, but it's too late. Anti-furries are in that category. One day, you will see why it's dumb to hate furries and therians and bully them in real life or online. You might even become one of us! And then, you will realize what kind of person I am. Am I evil, stupid and wrong like you thought I was? NO! I am a kind person, and maybe now you will regret what you did. Because when I am innocent, I will fight like hell to clear my name. When I am wrong, I know it, and I realize very quickly how that was not right. Furries should be left to mind their business instead of being hated on by 12-year-old brats that don't get enough love from mommy and daddy. And the many times that I experienced hate from anti-furries, I was innocent. This book is a testament to the pain of bullying and abuse that I suffered. I won't stay silent after what I have gone through. This book is my past, present and future. And it addresses silence from the abused. And nobody should stay silent after being abused or bullied. The silent will be heard. But only if you hit that watch button on my profile!
-VG 💙💛🐾
Category Artwork (Digital) / Miscellaneous
Species Inanimate
Gender Other / Not Specified
Size 1069 x 1526px
File Size 1.54 MB