I'm a big, big fan of this project. If you've never heard of it, and you either know someone or have personally been the subject of ridicule or hate for your sexual identity, or any other bias because of who you are, please visit this website, and it may help you:
It DOES get better.
Please do not spam this image with any drama or hate speech, or your comments will be removed.
It DOES get better.
Please do not spam this image with any drama or hate speech, or your comments will be removed.
Category Artwork (Traditional) / General Furry Art
Species Canine (Other)
Gender Male
Size 829 x 709px
File Size 688 kB
It's only the latest thing in a long, long list of truly awesome things he's done.
And the thing is, its not just words, it really does. I saw a "It Gets Better" submission a while back and it reminded me of my middle school life, posted a journal bout it on here, and it made me realize how far i had come from those darker times.
This is amazing, Rukis, i can easily feel the emotion in the art. Great job <3 really isnt much else i can say atm :3
This is amazing, Rukis, i can easily feel the emotion in the art. Great job <3 really isnt much else i can say atm :3
This artwork of yours has inspired me and I made a journal about it :3 http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2399073/
This is very touching Rukis and from the heart I can tell. Thanks for making this as I was once a person who felt I had no future simply because I'm gay. I'm here to say also, yes it does get better! It took me a long time to find my self but I did. Anyone else out there that might be troubled and reads this know there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Very powerful and strong in heart I know I have an older brother who is gay, but being gay doesn't stop him from his dreams. It will get better and I know it will get better *raises a rainbow wolfie paw peace sign*
you should see this.
You have great timing with this lol
You have great timing with this lol
I'm still dealing with the things that happened to me but it is getting better and I hope it continues to get better. This pic is so heartening, I really feel for all those who have been bullied or teased. Fantastic work Rukis
strangely enough it doesn't look like red lantern but cruelty to me
at least i think so lol
at least i think so lol
ohright, makes sense. I just finished catching up on red lantern so that's what I had in the mind :p
well, for some reason I assumed the smaller one was a pup, so it'd make sense.. I just finished catching up on Red Lantern so I had that on the mind :p
It's an amazing project that I kee track of. Excellent work on the drawing, and for promoting the project.
The message must be spread. I thank you on behalf of the general public for helping to achieve that goal.
I am curious now if this is the male couple wolf/coyote that you did a little comic of a while back?
It's Marcus (Fennec Fox) and Reis (Wolfdog) from Cruelty http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3704554
and that IS what I was talking about LOL Just didn't know their exact species
Sexuality should be a non-issue these days, but people like to target things that they do not understand or feel that it can be a threat to them.
Love is life is love.
Love is life is love.
Love that project <3 Pixar's video brought tears to my eyes. I wholeheartedly approve of this drawing and message C:
I don't think it'll get much better for me until I leave my house, I'm 18 and I only got my first bedroom door just this month.
I knew this was Cruelty, right off the bat. Of course. It's very lovely. :)
Though is Reis really THAT much bigger than Marcus? :O It looks like he's gotten a little taller. :P
Though is Reis really THAT much bigger than Marcus? :O It looks like he's gotten a little taller. :P
I've been drawing them differently lately, for. . . reasons. . . .
If he gets much bigger Marcus might be saying ow more often. :/
Awesome, these two are perfect for this message. I support this project and also the Trevor Project, which I feel is very important and encourage people to donate to.
If you haven't heard of it: http://www.thetrevorproject.org/
If you haven't heard of it: http://www.thetrevorproject.org/
To be honest. Since I came out that I'm bi to my parents, it's gotten worse
Give it time. It took about 10 years before my father even came close to understanding. To this day it's not perfect but it's at the very least manageable. You did the right thing.
I guess. My parents would have killed me and my mate if they caught me meeting with him secretly when je comes to visit
I know it can be hard to be judged. To be hated, to be shunned. But the poison that builds up inside us when we lie about who we are is worse. It takes longer to realize it but its so much worse. I never really understood what it was to be happy till i came out and realized who it was in my life cared enough about me to not judge me based on where I put my naughties when im alone. I know how hard it can be to turn away from family. But we are talking about you here, not them. be yourself, be honest, be happy and you will find people that care and those are the people you must surround yourself with.
Thank you. But my parents have never not supported me and they have not changed in this matter. They are still letting me go see him, but with only in public and my mom will be around
After looking at your profile it says your 18. That makes you an adult and it's time for to make choices for your self. Some might be very difficult and will possibly lead to short term hardships. But if you allow your parents to dictate your personal life now they will continue to do this the rest of there life. One day your going to have to stand up for your self and do what's best for you, not them. I left my home at age 17 and even moved out of the country later on. I've had my up's and downs as life has not always been simple. Yet in the end everything fell into place and I'm here today speaking of personal freedom and with out worry of prenatal disapproval. Most of all I'm happy with my life and most importantly myself.
It's more than that. If I left I'd have no where to go and it would destroy my parents. To be honest I haven't thought they have been unreasonable. They are letting me see him and are keeping an open mind. They aren't trying to dictate and all three of us know that I need to make decisions and go out on my own. That will happen when I go to college I'm august
I can't tell you what's best for you but from my standpoint it seems rather odd that they only allow you to see him when there around. That's a control method and that's dictation. I understand you don't wish to hurt your family. I never did with mine. Even as my father has been rather cruel to me I have no hard feelings. As you grow older your life will change a lot and so will the way you think. Right now you don't think so, but you will. Anyway good luck to you and I hope you find what will truly make you happy in life as this is something only you can find. :)
It's because of the circumstance under which we met. I would have acted the sane way. My mom isn't going to be actually with us. She is just going to be around as a precaution. Also, I have to confess that I made my original comment when I was a little down. In all honesty things have gone very well
If it would destroy your parents, you should really force them to consider that, if you end up having somewhere to go at some point in the near future. You'd be surprised at how much scaring your parents really works. I'm not gonna tell you to do something that will jeopardize you, but if they truly cared about you, they wouldn't make you feel suffocated.
Wow. Not to be rude or anything but I said that stuff over a year ago. Heck I broke up with him soon after he came to visit. I ended up talking to my parents about it and we had some rough patches but we are good now. But thank you for your suggestion.
While I understand and appreciate the intent behind this campaign, I've never really liked it. It's always seemed to me that "it" gets better because we, as individuals, get stronger and better able to respond rather then some magical function of getting older as the campaign implies. Then again, the slogan "If you can handle a dick, you can handle a bully" prolly wouldn't go over well so... meh...
It gets better is has been very true for me. Although I did not come out in school I was bullied often! Back then if you came out as being gay you might as well kiss any social enjoyment or education goodbye. As the school would simply over look it. Was there gay students? Sure there were! My self was one of them. And I know all to well how hard it is to hide who you are for your own personal safety. Getting out of that place with my sanity and a diploma in had was one of the most uplifting things I'd ever felt. Afterwords in university I found out I was not alone after all. And that as my prior years had been the pits, I was now
around people who accepted others as there self with out worry of social stigma. This helped me to become honest with my self and most importantly come out.
So when they say it gets better. It does! But you got to help your self get there.
around people who accepted others as there self with out worry of social stigma. This helped me to become honest with my self and most importantly come out.
So when they say it gets better. It does! But you got to help your self get there.
"But you got to help your self get there."
Heh, I think we're pretty much saying the same thing in two different ways... Maybe I'd like the campaign more if they included the bit from you I quoted.
Heh, I think we're pretty much saying the same thing in two different ways... Maybe I'd like the campaign more if they included the bit from you I quoted.
Faved so I can remember the link. I know someone who is suffering. :(
I'm not having any serious problems and being straight but I support this as well.
Aaaawwww this is so sweet, my heart cried a little as I saw this.
My friend sinbadwolf told me about this.
Thank you for the wwonderful picture with an amazing design and style of drawing.
My friend sinbadwolf told me about this.
Thank you for the wwonderful picture with an amazing design and style of drawing.
Not a fan of the "gets better" thing since I think it misses the mark, but it is a nice drawing.
*SPAM!* That's a very awesome pic. Very touching and heartfelt. */SPAM!*
On a less wholesome note, where can I get a youngin' like that to .... mentor in how much better it could get? ;)
On a less wholesome note, where can I get a youngin' like that to .... mentor in how much better it could get? ;)
I remember seeing the Google ad during an episode of Glee that had this project in it. I seriously almost cried. Going through hell and back myself, I felt like there wasn't any light at the end of this tunnel, but now there's one last obstacle to overcome before it'll be better: my father. -_-;
Love is all around, and I'm glad to see you sharing the love Rukis, in anyway you can! I'm glad I can support your work in any way possible, even if it was just buying that T-Shirt so far. :P
Love is all around, and I'm glad to see you sharing the love Rukis, in anyway you can! I'm glad I can support your work in any way possible, even if it was just buying that T-Shirt so far. :P
Can i say i love you for this? please? i will anyways x3 I loooove you for this, Rukis!
Can i say i love you for this? please? i will anyways x3 I loooove you for this, Rukis!
I just went to see Dan Savage do a talk tonight and it was really awesome, and this picture really sums it up. Beautiful work and I loved the comic.
This reminds me about how I set up the Day of Silence at my old high school in the last couple of days. For those of you not aware about what it is, it's an anti-bullying day where everyone is silent for a school day to symbolize the silence that GLBT youth experience every day. I never thought that it would continue much beyond my years, but somehow it did. Hearing about that made me realize that I may have given many GLBT youth reassurance that it does indeed get better, maybe even for years beyond my initial work. Keep up the hope, and thank you very much for posting this wonderful artwork.
"It Can Get Better", or even "It Will Probably Get Better" would be lines I could get behind. I get the positive attitude of the project, I support their goals, but the tagline is just not explicitly true.
It didn't get better for me.
It didn't get better for me.
Yes. I don't know what you're looking for here. You want my entire life's story just to prove to you that no, it didn't get better and no, it wasn't my fault? Is it so hard to believe?
I guess if I happen to fall outside the slogan then it MUST by my fault, huh?
I love how if your problems aren't completely resolved while you're still a kid, the world stops caring altogether. Thanks.
I guess if I happen to fall outside the slogan then it MUST by my fault, huh?
I love how if your problems aren't completely resolved while you're still a kid, the world stops caring altogether. Thanks.
Didn't say I didn't care, did I? Maybe I'm trying to help, but apparently you like jumping down other peoples' throats.
I'm not starting a fight here. If you're trying to help by insinuating that my problems are because I haven't tried to do anything about them, then I'll decline your help, thanks.
There's people who care. Trust me on that, heck you don't know me and I don't know you but I still care about your well being. It was extremely difficult for me when I came out and to this day I still have issues with my father. Although over the years he has learned this who I am and I'm not going to change, nor would I even if I could. I was not one of those who come out early, I waited well into my 20's before I made up my mind it was time to be honest with my self. It's not always been easy I admit but being true to your self is the only way you will find inner happiness.
Also if you or anyone else here just needs someone to talk with I never mind lisitening. Never think no one cares.
Also if you or anyone else here just needs someone to talk with I never mind lisitening. Never think no one cares.
I'm deeply touched by both the pure beauty of the picture, and the thought, which started this.
That is beautiful. It makes me smile to see the big male embracing the little one. It makes people see that there is someone or something larger standing up for them out there. By the way, what species are these canines?
I don't know what'a it about? Couldn't really get the point even reading the site.
Great work on the picture, Rukis.
Great work on the picture, Rukis.
Does it get better? For some it does not and never will - but that's just life.
11/10 for the pic... as always. You make so amazing muzzle expressions
11/10 for the pic... as always. You make so amazing muzzle expressions
it can get better but sometimes you just have to make it better.
the saying is more like motivation to me.
the saying is more like motivation to me.
Again with an awesome drawing that i just cant stop stareing at, lol very nice peice of art ^-^
Also I have to say 'It gets better' every time, everyday and every minute of your life. Thank you Rukis. This made my day happier.
Allow me to spam this submission with compliments on the beauty of the artwork
Thank you for making this piece of art for this project. I only wish more people would do art for it. It's a wonderful project and this is some wonderful art. Thank you very much for sharing it :3
What i find cool is that President Obama made June "GLBT pride month". I think I'll put this up on my DA profile and on FA if you do not mined.
DA account http://ghostguy764.deviantart.com/
and here is the article http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press.....T-Pride-Month/
DA account http://ghostguy764.deviantart.com/
and here is the article http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press.....T-Pride-Month/
It's been said already but I'll say it again: My heart cried when I saw this. In truth I haven't told my parents I'm bi yet...probably should soon...but so far every friend I've told hasn't budged at all. It really does get better.
I'm Gay. Cruelty really hit me in the heart, cos I came out in highschool, There were jerks like the guys in the locker rooms who made fun of me, some friends got distant. But the true ones stuck by me.
The one thing that really had me hooked, was the complexity of Reis and Marcus's friendship. and how innocent their friendship was, through being children, then growing to be adolescents in high school. It was amazing. Your art and writing is sublime in every way I <3 this story.
The one thing that really had me hooked, was the complexity of Reis and Marcus's friendship. and how innocent their friendship was, through being children, then growing to be adolescents in high school. It was amazing. Your art and writing is sublime in every way I <3 this story.
I love this project! If needed it will hopefully raise your spirits :)
rukis your art is always great both cruelty and unconditional have hit home with me because i came out in high school and now i have my mate and we are happy together but live apart for now but we plan on living together in the future like marcus and reis they are a great example of the love me and my mate share
Indeed, I've had people (good people) pray for the removal of my shyness and autism. I don't want to be "cured" of either one.