Breakfast with Eileen
Take a look at my girlfriend
She"s the only one I got
Not much of a girlfriend
I"ve never seem to get a lot
Take a jumbo across the water
Like to see America
See the girls in California
I"m hopin", it"s going to come true
But there"s not a lot, I can do...
A drawing of Eileen Heavily inspired by the Breakfast in America album cover
Posted using PostyBirb
She"s the only one I got
Not much of a girlfriend
I"ve never seem to get a lot
Take a jumbo across the water
Like to see America
See the girls in California
I"m hopin", it"s going to come true
But there"s not a lot, I can do...
A drawing of Eileen Heavily inspired by the Breakfast in America album cover
Posted using PostyBirb
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Fat Furs
Species African Wild Dog
Gender Female
Size 1920 x 1920px
File Size 900.6 kB