Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 742 x 730px
File Size 149.5 kB
As a cacti collector in rl i am known very well to thorns so i will definitely pet her! XD
I love this kind of drawings so much. Very good work. This "cat" is sooo cute. :D
Uwu thank you so much! I like to draw such a small "concepts" too ^^
Thanks! Yes cats have that mood swing: "I'm so sweet and lovely, hug me please OH NEVERMIND YOU SHOULD DIE >:D"
Thank you! <3
I saw a cactus with such a fluff things and thought that I should add it in some way. And then BAM cats with cute floppy ears *^*
I saw a cactus with such a fluff things and thought that I should add it in some way. And then BAM cats with cute floppy ears *^*
I would love to have one as a pet/friend. I immediately was trying to think if I could make one out of cacti I have!
I guess it is possible with some mold or something like that (how a rectangular watermelons made C: )