Here comes another batch! I've lowered the price of sketches a smidge this time around as I'd love to take more sketch comms than usual. So do keep in mind that I'm more likely to do a sketch over a full render. Also no colour comics this time, sorry!
Prices are provided in GDP & USD for convenience.
Applications close in a week! (the 24th) So jump on them while you can!
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 2089 x 1374px
File Size 3.34 MB
Listed in Folders
SENT! just could not give up the chance, but no hard feelings if i don't get picked <3
Will you be sending out emails for accepted forms after they close on the 24th? I'm almost positive it'll go to my spam email so I wanna know if I need to check daily or just after they close XD
Yes I'll send out an email on either the 24th or 25th, I'll also make a post on my X account to confirm that everyone has been emailed :)