adopt Stormdancer sold
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Size 1395 x 712px
File Size 1.99 MB
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some info about her:
Goddess of storms
Location: Temple of Storms
her hair reminds storm clouds with lightnings in it
her hair not static and moves
scales have silver edging(more like combine of steel and silver )
gems on silver edges called 'Storm Sapphires' if you look into them you can see pattern that looks like lightning
!!nails more like combine of steel and silver too
ALL spikes, scales are very sharp and hurts easily
her body has very small scales and fur(on legs and hands) that moves like hair too
TAIL scales and body scales BLACK colored with blue tint
** Storm Sapphires only can be found in Wuthering Heights
those gems get more beautiful when activates with lightning, so there are 'activated' gems and not. Activated gems hit with lightning strikes**
Goddess of storms
Location: Temple of Storms
her hair reminds storm clouds with lightnings in it
her hair not static and moves
scales have silver edging(more like combine of steel and silver )
gems on silver edges called 'Storm Sapphires' if you look into them you can see pattern that looks like lightning
!!nails more like combine of steel and silver too
ALL spikes, scales are very sharp and hurts easily
her body has very small scales and fur(on legs and hands) that moves like hair too
TAIL scales and body scales BLACK colored with blue tint
** Storm Sapphires only can be found in Wuthering Heights
those gems get more beautiful when activates with lightning, so there are 'activated' gems and not. Activated gems hit with lightning strikes**