Ken-Jo is a member of the Heroes of Zoolok, the premiere superhero team of Zoolok, an other-dimensional world populated by anthropomorphic animals at a 1940s level of technology. He was born in the country of Janvia, a land of many ancient traditions. One of these was the Order of the Stone, a group of warriors who practiced a discipline where through concentration they could temporarily make themselves invulnerable. Ken-Jo joined the Order of the Stone as a child and trained diligently all his life, eventually becoming the greatest Stone warrior of his generation. When the Order of the Stone came into conflict with another group of warriors, the Order of the Air, Ken-Jo found himself in a duel to the death with the greatest Air warrior, a lemur named Okiyumi. Ken-Jo defeated Okiyumi, but was unable to bring himself to kill him. For his disobedience, he was cast out of his order, while Okiyumi, unable to bear the shame of his defeat, left his order as well. For a time, they both worked as mercenaries, eventually being recruited by the chinchilla supervillain Maxoran, who got them both to swear an oath of loyalty to him. Ken-Jo served Maxoran for several years, bringing him into conflict with the Heroes of Zoolok, until circumstances forced him to team up with the Hero Firefox and they fell in love. Not wanting someone with divided loyalties in his service, Maxoran released Ken-Jo from his oath, and Ken-Jo promptly joined the Heroes of Zoolok. Ken-Jo is a skilled martial artist and swordsman who has the ability to temporarily make himself invulnerable to any attack he is aware of. He has the yogic ability to control his heartbeat and breathing, and to suppress fear, pain and fatigue. He is also extremely fast and agile, an expert acrobat, and a master of stealth. He appears in several stories I have posted. Check them out!
Category Artwork (Digital) / Portraits
Species Armadillo
Gender Male
Size 699 x 668px
File Size 138.6 kB
Listed in Folders
Yeah, he's handsome, isn't he? It's easy to see why Firefox fell for him. :)