My version of the fantasy dwarf race.
Duwar classes:
Duwar(Do-Wa-Ar) are the most known and common, similar to the average human, but short in height and stature no higher than 4'5. As the age, their muscles do not deteriorate. Most Duwar are stubborn, tough, and take up crafting items and weapons, and jobs that involve physical activity.
Drugaer(Drew-Gar) are supernaturally strong, and slightly taller than the average Duwar, reaching heights up to 5'0 exactly, and tend to have graydiant skin pigmentation. They are thick with pure muscle, and can even augment the muscle mass. Drugaer are often chosen to be enforcers or groomed to become leaders to the Duwar community.
Gnumar(Nome-Ar) are Duwar that slightly shorter, have high intelligence, and naturally gifted in alchemy. The subtle feature to Gnumar is a silver, gold, or platinum streak in their hair or beards. Many Gnumar become alchemist and artificers, creating magically infused items, or creating artificial beings such as Golems or Homuculus.
Duwar classes:
Duwar(Do-Wa-Ar) are the most known and common, similar to the average human, but short in height and stature no higher than 4'5. As the age, their muscles do not deteriorate. Most Duwar are stubborn, tough, and take up crafting items and weapons, and jobs that involve physical activity.
Drugaer(Drew-Gar) are supernaturally strong, and slightly taller than the average Duwar, reaching heights up to 5'0 exactly, and tend to have graydiant skin pigmentation. They are thick with pure muscle, and can even augment the muscle mass. Drugaer are often chosen to be enforcers or groomed to become leaders to the Duwar community.
Gnumar(Nome-Ar) are Duwar that slightly shorter, have high intelligence, and naturally gifted in alchemy. The subtle feature to Gnumar is a silver, gold, or platinum streak in their hair or beards. Many Gnumar become alchemist and artificers, creating magically infused items, or creating artificial beings such as Golems or Homuculus.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1839 x 957px
File Size 411.6 kB