Muy buenos dias a todos. Aqui un nuevo art trade que hize mi muy buena amiga mimilinkina mimilinkina de su sona con cualquier libertad artistica que yo quiziera. Esta vez se me ocurrio dibujarla ya que en parte ella es una dragona hehizera travieza montando en una escoba voladora de nohe por la ciudad.
De los ojos se ve rara porque "trate" de darles perspectiva y ya estaba listo el dibujo cuando me di cuenta.
Tambien aproveche para dibujar este nuevo vestido meme (era este o el gold bikini. El gold bikini sera para otro dibujo)
Una vez mas otra referencia a E--rotic del abum "Sex Affaairs"aunque creo yo que en la pose se inspiraron en una revista playboy. Saludos.
~ ° ~
Very good morning to all. Here is a new art trade that my very good friend Mimilinkina mimilinkina made of her sona with any artistic freedom that I wanted. This time it occurred to me to draw her since she is partly a mischievous wizard dragon riding a flying broom at night through the city.
Her eyes look strange because she "tried" to give them perspective and the drawing was ready when I realized it.
I also took the opportunity to draw this new meme dress (it was this one or the gold bikini. The gold bikini will be for another drawing)
Once again another reference to E--rotic from the album "Sex Affairs" although I think the pose was inspired by a playboy magazine. Greetings.
De los ojos se ve rara porque "trate" de darles perspectiva y ya estaba listo el dibujo cuando me di cuenta.
Tambien aproveche para dibujar este nuevo vestido meme (era este o el gold bikini. El gold bikini sera para otro dibujo)
Una vez mas otra referencia a E--rotic del abum "Sex Affaairs"aunque creo yo que en la pose se inspiraron en una revista playboy. Saludos.
~ ° ~
Very good morning to all. Here is a new art trade that my very good friend Mimilinkina mimilinkina made of her sona with any artistic freedom that I wanted. This time it occurred to me to draw her since she is partly a mischievous wizard dragon riding a flying broom at night through the city.
Her eyes look strange because she "tried" to give them perspective and the drawing was ready when I realized it.
I also took the opportunity to draw this new meme dress (it was this one or the gold bikini. The gold bikini will be for another drawing)
Once again another reference to E--rotic from the album "Sex Affairs" although I think the pose was inspired by a playboy magazine. Greetings.
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Fanart
Species Dragon (Other)
Gender Female
Size 1716 x 2147px
File Size 1.07 MB
Muchas gracias. Aprecio mucho que la encontrarás muy bonita